
診断テストで「クアッドポート 12G SAS 」テストが失敗する

Last Updated:


  • FAS8300
  • FAS8700
  • AFF A400
  • ONTAP 9
  • システムレベルのHW Diagnostics(ハードウェア診断)


  • 次の 3 つの接続パターンでテストを実行します。
    • シェルフと FAS8300 はデュアルパスで接続され、オープン SAS ポート(オンボード、 HBA )に適切な MiniSAS が接続されています。
    • シェルフ(オンボード、 HBA )に接続せずに隣接するポートに接続
    • シェルフと FAS8300 の間のクアッドパス接続(オンボードのみ)
  • ただし、すべてのにエラーh. Onboard: Quad Port 12G SAS Testが発生l. HBA: Quad Port 12G SAS Testしました。

Copyright (c) 2019 NetApp Inc. All rights reserved.
FAS8300 System-Level HW Diagnostics 04.03.04
#### System     PN: 111-04200           ####
#### System     SN: 041951001286          ####
#### Controller-A  PN: 111-04198           ####
#### Controller-A  SN: 042008000113          ####
1) Scan System
2) Test System (must scan system, first)
3) Test Memory (must scan system, first)
4) Stress-Test System (must scan system, first)
5) Show VPD Information
6) Show FW Revision
7) Show MAC Address
8) Show Logs
9) Reboot (BMC Power Cycle) Controller to LOADER

Select a number 1-9 to execute the respective command: 2
+--------------------------------Test System-----------------------------------+
| Select one or more items to test using the SPACE bar to toggle the option.   |
| Use Arrow keys to move up/down to select invidiual test. Use Arrow keys    |
| left/right to select Test Control. Press [Enter] to execut.          |
| +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| |[ ] a. CPU Test                (Register read test)      | |
| |[ ] b. TPM Test                (Self-test)          | |
| |[ ] c. Ethernet I210 Test           (Internal loopback test)    | |
| |[ ] d. BMC Test                (Self-test/Sensor status chec| |
| |[ ] e. PSU Test                (Sensor status check)     | |
| |[ ] f. PCH-I2C Test              (Device read test)       | |
| |[ ] g. Fan Test                (Fan speed control test)    | |
| |[ ] h. Onboard: Quad Port 12G SAS Test     (External loopback test)    | |
| |[ ] i. Onboard: Dual Port 25GbE RoCE NIC Test(BIST/External loopback test)| |
| |[ ] j. Onboard: Dual Port 100GbE RoCE NIC Tes(BIST/External loopback test)| |
| |[ ] k. Mezz: Quad Port 25GbE RoCE NIC Test   (BIST/External loopback test)| |
| |[ ] l. HBA: Quad Port 12G SAS Test       (External loopback test)    | |
| +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
|                                        |
|                                        |
|                                        |
|                                        |
<  OK  ><Test all>< Cancel >a(Register read test)
c(Internal loopback test)c(Internal loopback test)
d(Self-test/Sensor status checd(Self-test/Sensor status chec
e(Sensor status check)e(Sensor status check)
f(Device read test)f(Device read test)
g(Fan speed control test)g(Fan speed control test)
h(External loopback test)*h(External loopback test)
i(BIST/External loopback test)i(BIST/External loopback test)
j(BIST/External loopback test)j(BIST/External loopback test)
k(BIST/External loopback test)k(BIST/External loopback test)
l(External loopback test)*1                           
+------------------Configure Test Loop---------------------+
| Fill in the number of test loops. The acceptable input   |
| value ranges from 0 to 99. A 0 means an infinite loop.   |
| If input value greater then 99, it will be set to 99.   |
| You can use BACKSPACE to correct errors and use ARROW   |
| keys left/right to select Test Control. Use Tab or Arrow |
| keys up/down to move between loop count and Test      |
| Control. Press [Enter] to execute.             |
| +------------------------------------------------------+ |
| || || +------------------------------------------------------+
|        < OK  >    <Cancel>          |+
| Select one item to test using the SPACE   |
| bar to toggle the option. Use Arrow keys   |
| to move up/down to select invidiual test.  |
| Use Arrow keys left/right to select Test   |
| Control. Press [Enter] to execute      |
| +----------------------------------------+ |
| |     (*) a. Stop on error        | |
| |     ( ) b. Continue on error      | |
| +----------------------------------------+ |
|                       ||                       |
< OK  ><Cancel>ab*
System Test Start: 2020-06-30 07:42:27

======================== LOOP  1 ===========================

Onboard: Quad Port 12G SAS:SASBB0 Test:


Test Start: 2020-06-30 07:42:27
Test Cmd: sas0Stress.sh 1

[2020/06/30 07:42:27] ERROR : SAS ramdisk device lost
[2020/06/30 07:42:27] Expect 8 SAS ramdisk to stress but only found 0 SAS ramdisk


HBA: Quad Port 12G SAS:SASH0 Test:


Test Start: 2020-06-30 07:42:58
Test Cmd: sasHICStress.sh 1

[2020/06/30 07:42:58] ERROR : SAS ramdisk device lost
[2020/06/30 07:42:58] Expect 8 SAS ramdisk to stress but only found 0 SAS ramdisk

System Test Summary:
   Onboard: Quad Port 12G SAS      : FAILED
   HBA: Quad Port 12G SAS        : FAILED

System Test Stop: 2020-06-30 07:43:28




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