SnapCenter for VMware ( SCV )プラグインから E メール通知が送信されません
- SnapCenter for VMware ( SCV ) 4.5 の略
- VMware ESXi 6.7
SCV プラグインは、同じサブネット上にあっても E メール通知を送信せず、 SMTP サーバでリレーできる。
WFE_<JobID>.log に は、次のエラーが表示されます。
2021-10-27 06:00:34.156 ERROR [node_name_here] --- [Thread-46] c.n.w.a.EmailActivity : Failed to send email: Could not connect to SMTP host: [SMTP_IP_address_here], port: 25
2021-10-27 06:00:34.180 WARN [node_name_here] --- [Thread-46] c.n.w.m.WorkflowExecutor : Activity (Send Emails) of Workflow (WorkflowExecutor), Failed with error: Failed to send email: Could not connect to SMTP host: [SMTP_IP_address_here], port: 25
2021-10-27 06:00:34.180 WARN [node_name_here] --- [Thread-46] c.n.w.m.WorkflowExecutor : Continuing workflow after activity failure
2021-10-27 06:00:34.180 INFO [node_name_here] --- [Thread-46] c.n.w.m.WorkflowExecutor : Workflow - WorkflowExecutor, Failed.