DR-group-create は FC から IP への移行中に失敗しました
- MetroCluster FC
- MetroCluster IP
- MetroCluster FC から IP への移行
- ONTAP 9.8
- 新たに追加した 1 つ以上のノードでパニックループが発生しています
- 出力は下に表示される可能性があります
metrocluster configuration-settings dr-group create -partner-cluster Cluster01n02 -local-node Cluster01n03 -remote-node Cluster2n03
[Job 32235] [Job 32235] Job failed: HAOSC not set. Use the "metrocluster operation show" command to view detailed error information. Resolve the errors, then try the command again.
Cluster02::*> metrocluster operation show
Operation: dr-group-create
State: failed
Start Time: 4/8/2021 18:48:09
End Time: 4/8/2021 18:49:05
Errors: HAOSC not set.
Cluter02::*> metrocluster configuration-settings show-status
Cluster Node Configuration Settings Status
--------------------- -------------- ----------------- ---------------
Cluster02n01 not applicable for FC and SAS
Cluster02n02 not applicable for FC and SAS
Cluster02n03 not a MetroCluster over IP setup
Cluster02n04 not a MetroCluster over IP setup
Cluster02n01 not applicable for FC and SAS
Cluster02n02 not applicable for FC and SAS
Cluster02n03 not a MetroCluster over IP setup
Cluster02n04 not a MetroCluster over IP setup
8 entries were displayed
Cluster02::*> cluster show
Node Health Eligibility Epsilon
------------- ------- ------------ ---------
Cluster02n01 true true true
Cluster02n02 true true false
Cluster02n03 false true false
Cluster02n04 false true false
4 entries were displayed.
- 間違った設定の新しいノードがクラスタですでに認識されている場合は、ノードを分離できない可能性があります
Cluster02::*> cluster unjoin -node Cluster02n03 -force -skip-quorum-check-before-unjoin
Warning: This command will forcibly remove node "Cluster02n03" from the cluster. You must remove the failover partner as well. This will permanently remove from the cluster volumes that remain on that node and logical interfaces with that node as the home-node. Contact support for additional guidance.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
[Job 32264] Job is queued: Cluster remove-node of Node:Cluster02n03 with UUID:084342a8-4092-11eb-9692-d039ea251980.
Error: command failed: [Job 32264] Job failed: Failed to make Cluster02n03 node ineligible. Reason: This command requires that management services be online on at least 3 of the 4 eligible nodes, excluding "Cluster02n03".
Currently, there are only 2 healthy nodes after excluding "Clustern03". Please repair the unhealthy nodes, and reissue the command.