
複数のAFF およびFAS プラットフォームでブートデバイスの読み取りまたは書き込みを一時的に実行できないと、システムが停止します

Last Updated:


  • AFF A200 | FAS2620 | FAS2650
  • AFF A220 | AFF C190 | FAS2720 | FAS2750
  • AFF A300 | FAS8200
  • FAS8300
  • AFF A700 | FAS9000
  • AFF A900 | FAS9500
  • mSATAブートデバイス(P/N X3320A)
  • ONTAP OSを起動できない




PANIC: thread (xxx) on cpu hung for 4001 milliseconds in process xxx

PANIC: thread (swi4: clock) on cpu 0 hung for 4001 milliseconds in process swi4: clock on release 9.5P1 (C) on Thu Jun 11 03:41:13 EDT 2020
PANIC: thread (md0.uzip) on cpu 0 hung for 4001 milliseconds in process md0.uzip on release 9.3P20 (C) on Tue Feb  2 22:28:58 JST 2021

Panic string: Process mgwd unresponsive for 620 seconds in process

PANIC: g_vfs_done(): rootfs.uzip read error - suspect boot device in process g_up on release 9.7P4 (C) on Tue Aug 11 02:55:33 EDT 2020



 cam: cam.timeout.retry:notice]: CAM device driver I/O timeout. Details: CAM command timeout (retrying), Device ada0 (4 retries left). Device ID: SPG2153013S. Command: WRITE_DMA. ACB: ca 00 bb 88 88 40 00 00 00 00 70 00.


  • ノードをブートできず、コンソールログのブートデバイスエラーが表示される:

g_vfs_done():ada0s1[READ(offset=1754742784, length=8192)]error = 5
ada0: CAM_CMD_TIMEOUT, retrying (4 retries left)
ada0: CAM_CMD_TIMEOUT, retrying (3 retries left)
ada0: CAM_CMD_TIMEOUT, retrying (2 retries left)
ada0: CAM_CMD_TIMEOUT, retrying (1 retry left)
Unable to read directoryRetry #5 of 5: /sbin/fsck_msdosfs /dev/ada0s1
** /dev/ada0s1
** Phase 1 - Read and Compare FATs
** Phase 2 - Check Cluster Chains
** Phase 3 - Checking Directories
Unable to read directory
* ALERT: Boot device file system corruption detected:  *
* FAT filesystem check exited with status   8          *
*                                                      *
* File system consistency check failed.                *
* The node will be halted.                             *
* Contact Support for assistance.                      *
Uptime: 17s
System halting...

  • リブート失敗の例:
Could not load fat://boot0/X86_64/freebsd/image1/kernel:Device not found ERROR: Error booting OS on: 'boot0' file: fat://boot0/X86_64/freebsd/image1 /kernel (boot0,fat) Could not load fat://boot0/X86_64/freebsd/image1/kernel:Device is open ERROR: Error booting OS on: 'boot0' file: fat://boot0/X86_64/freebsd/image1/kernel (boot0,fat)

ERROR: Failure to build endpoint environment variables. Autoboot will be disabled.

  • プラットフォームがnosavecoreプラットフォームの場合は、コアを保存できません。

savecoreおよびnosavecore AFFおよびFASプラットフォームとは何ですか



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