
fgボリュームがクローンの作成に失敗し、「waitForPropertySize for volume took longer than expected - 120 seconds」というエラーが表示されます

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • FlexGroup


  • CLIエラー:
::*> vol clone create -flexclone flexclone_vol-name_T2 -type RW -parent-vserver vs5 -parent-volume vol-name -junction-active true -foreground true -junction-path /flexclone_vol-name_T2
[Job 8854] Steps completed: 7 of 8.
Error: command failed: [Job 8854] Job failed: Failed to create the clone
volume. Reason: The volume operation was successful but the size of the
volume has not finished updating. Wait a few minutes, and then check
that the size of the volume is "100TB" using the "volume show -vserver
vs5 -volume flexclone_vol-name_T2 -fields size" command. For further
assistance, contact technical support.
  • EMSログ:
Mon Apr 10 10:59:04 +0800 [nacmode5-02: mgwd:mgmtgwd.jobmgr.jobcomplete.failure:info]: Job "Clone Create" [id 8854] (Create flexclone_vol-name_T2) completed unsuccessfully: Failed to create the clone volume. Reason: The volume operation was successful but the size of the volume has not finished updating. Wait a few minutes, and then check that the size of the volume is "100TB" using the "volume show -vserver vs5 -volume flexclone_vol-name_T2 -fields size" command. For further assistance, contact technical support.. (1258298).
  • MGWDログ:
Mon Apr 10 2023 10:58:43 +08:00 [kern_mgwd:info:2812] 0x831823800: 8603eb00001ce3aa: ERR: OLV: waitForProperSize 2115 - waitForProperSize for volume flexclone_vol-name_T2 took longer than expected - 120 seconds
Mon Apr 10 2023 10:58:43 +08:00 [kern_mgwd:info:2812] 0x831823800: 8603eb00001ce3aa: ERR: VOPL::volCloneCreate: Job:8854 (_createCloneFlexGroup:2449) The volume operation was successful but the size of the volume has not finished updating. Wait a few minutes, and then check that the size of the volume is "100TB" using the "volume show -vserver vs5 -volume flexclone_vol-name_T2 -fields size" command. For further assistance, contact technical support.

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