
SPファームウェアの自動更新に失敗します- APIサービスが原因でSP / BMCに到達できません

Last Updated:



  • ONTAPのアップグレード中に自動SP / BMCファームウェアを更新できない:

[Node-01: servprocd: sp.servprocd.upd.evts:debug]: params: {'reason': 'BMC update - Pre-update checks successful.'}
[Node-01: servprocd: sp.servprocd.upd.evts:debug]: params: {'reason': 'SP Firmware network update from 13.7 to 13.8 has been triggered.'}
[Node-01: servprocd: sp.servprocd.upd.unexpt.evts:debug]: params: {'reason': 'BMC update - Update has timed out. Last status code (1)'}
[Node-01: servprocd: sp.servprocd.upd.error:error]: SP update error: SP firmware update failure has been detected.

  • system health subsystem show 出力には、サービスプロセッサがデグレードと表示されます。
::> system health subsystem show
----------------- ------------------
SAS-connect       ok
Environment       ok
Memory            ok
Service-Processor degraded
Switch-Health     ok
CIFS-NDO          ok
Motherboard       ok
IO                ok
MetroCluster      ok
MetroCluster_Node ok
FHM-Switch        ok
FHM-Bridge        ok
SAS-connect_Cluster ok
13 entries were displayed.
  • SP-MGMT-MLOG-TXT.GZ AutoSupportのには、次のイベントが表示されます。

[kern_servprocd:info:5478] 0x80acc8000: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: SpUpdateStateHandleEvent: SP update from version 11.7 to version 11.8 has been scheduled.
[kern_servprocd:info:5478] 0x80acc8000: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: UpdateSmfState: processing ck_auto_update_scheduled.
[kern_servprocd:info:5478] 0x80c3af200: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: prepareImage: SP firmware image files were successfully checked for compression.
[kern_servprocd:info:5478] 0x80c3af200: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: prepareImage: Creating /mroot/etc/RLM_FW/sp_image.tar.gz image for network transfer.
[kern_servprocd:info:5478] 0x80c3af200: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: transferImage: sending /mroot/etc/RLM_FW/sp_image.tar.gz to SP, destination: /mnt/sapps/sp_image.tar.gz.
[kern_servprocd:info:5478] 0x80c3af200: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: update: SP firmware image has been successfully transferred to SP using network interface.
[kern_servprocd:info:5478] 0x80c3af200: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: writeImage: sending spcs update command to write SP firmware image to flash.
[kern_servprocd:info:5478] 0x80c3af200: 0: ERR: Servprocd::SpUpdate: writeImage: spcs sp update command failed (The Service Processor on node "Node-01" is not reachable. Verify that the SP or BMC is online, verify that api-service is enabled on the SP or BMC, verify that the partner node is running, check if pings from SP or BMC to partner node work, check if hw-assist keep-alives are normal, check that network ports are configured correctly and are functional (up). Then, try the command again.)

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