

Last Updated:


  • AFF A900、AFF A800、AFF A700、AFF A400、AFF A320
  • ケーブル接続のベストプラクティスに従って、新しいNS224シェルフが追加され、適切に動作していること 
  • ストレージ構成が直接接続型ストレージからスイッチ接続型ストレージに変更されました
  • Cisco Nexus 3232Cまたは9336C-FX2スイッチ


  • NSMANSMBとの両方のモジュールのヘルスアラート

Monitor          node-connect
Alert ID         NoPathToNSMA_Alert
Alerting Resource    01234567890123456789
Subsystem         SAS-connect
Indication Time      Sun May 08 21:34:51 2022
Perceived Severity    Major
AutoSupport Triggered   true
Probable Cause      Cable_tamper
Corrective Actions   1. Consult the guide applicable to your NVMe storage shelf to review cabling rules for your system.
           2. Connect controller amsnapc01n01 to module A and module B of shelf 1.2.

  • アラートは定期的に生成およびクリアされます。 

::>event log show -event hm.alert*
Time                Node      Severity   Event
------------------- --------  --------   ---------------------------
4/22/2022 16:12:01  node_name-1  NOTICE     hm.alert.cleared: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMB_Alert , Alerting Resource = 01234567890123456789 cleared by monitor node-connect
4/22/2022 15:42:00  node_name-2  ALERT      hm.alert.raised: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMB_Alert , Alerting Resource = 01234567890123456789 raised by monitor node-connect

  • EMSメッセージの繰り返し:

[node_name-1: nchmd: hm.alert.cleared:notice]: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMB_Alert , Alerting Resource = 01234567890123456789 cleared by monitor node-connect
[node_name-1: nchmd: hm.alert.cleared:notice]: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMB_Alert , Alerting Resource = 01234567890123456789 cleared by monitor node-connect
[node_name-1: nchmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMB_Alert , Alerting Resource = 01234567890123456789 raised by monitor node-connect
[node_name-1: nchmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMB_Alert , Alerting Resource = 01234567890123456789 raised by monitor node-connect

[node_name-2: nchmd: hm.alert.cleared:notice]: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMB_Alert , Alerting Resource = 01234567890123456789 cleared by monitor node-connect
[node_name-2: nchmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMB_Alert , Alerting Resource = 01234567890123456789 raised by monitor node-connect
[node_name-2: nchmd: hm.alert.cleared:notice]: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMB_Alert , Alerting Resource = 01234567890123456789 cleared by monitor node-connect
[node_name-2: nchmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMB_Alert , Alerting Resource = 01234567890123456789 raised by monitor node-connect

  • system switch ethernet show出力にストレージスイッチが表示されない。

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