
Trident がクォータサイズを特定できなかったため、ボリュームのサイズを変更できませんでした

Last Updated:


  • Astra Trident
  • Kubernetes(Kubernetes)
  • ONTAP 9.12.0以前


  • Trident はが原因でボリュームのサイズを変更できませんでした Failed to determine quota size
  • Trident のログは次のとおりです。
time="2021-11-29T09:08:57Z" level=error msg="Failed to determine quota size." error="tree quota for /vol/trident_qtree_pool_trident_vol/trident_pvc_7b003302_d445_41e3_9df4_df3359641be5 not found" requestID=3790dd59-5240-43e6-aa50-033ea0a67369 requestSource=CSI
time="2021-11-29T09:08:57Z" level=error msg="Unable to resize the volume." backendUUID=5079f232-671b-4564-a91c-0b85b878da5f current_size=10737418240 error="storage driver failed to resize the volume" new_size=12884901888 requestID=3790dd59-5240-43e6-aa50-033ea0a67369 requestSource=CSI volume=pvc-7b003302-d445-41e3-9df4-df3359641be5 volume_internal=trident_pvc_7b003302_d445_41e3_9df4_df3359641be5
time="2021-11-29T09:08:57Z" level=warning msg="Unable to clean up artifacts of volume resize: unable to resize the volume: storage driver failed to resize the volume. Repeat resizing the volume or restart trident." requestID=3790dd59-5240-43e6-aa50-033ea0a67369 requestSource=CSI
time="2021-11-29T09:08:57Z" level=error msg="Could not resize volume." error="unable to resize the volume: storage driver failed to resize the volume" requestID=3790dd59-5240-43e6-aa50-033ea0a67369 requestSource=CSI requestedCapacity=12884901888 volumeId=pvc-7b003302-d445-41e3-9df4-df3359641be5
  • ONTAP 監査 ログは次のようになります。
00000015.0276dc7c 05aafa60 Thu Nov 25 2021 16:17:21 +08:00 [kern_audit:info:4384] 8503e8000027a932 :: NetApp-FAS8200:ontapi :: pii_encrypt/lZlQHFn7togz/zqO8CRJ4Y6OjMPdTlutJAQu3rdt2ihIC+yC6UxJseuJgHc7AZZz/pii_encrypt :: svm1:pii_encrypt/lZlQHFn7togz/zqO8CRJ4TSI+9yWtJIfTNJE39QAykM=/pii_encrypt :: quota-list-entries-iter :: Error: success
  • ONTAP MGWD ログは次のとおりです。
00000015.0276dc7a 05aafa60 Thu Nov 25 2021 16:17:21 +08:00 [kern_mgwd:info:4384] Error: Loop detected in next() for table quota_rules_zapi. Next on "svm1 12884901889 2149709779 tree /vol/volname/ISTP_bak " returned "svm1 12884901889 2149709779 tree /vol/volname/ISTP_bak ".

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