AWS CVO-HAの導入が「安定化に失敗」して失敗する
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- Category:
- cloud-volumes-ontap-cvo
- Specialty:
- cloud<a>2009261884</a>
- Last Updated:
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP(CVO)
- Amazon Web Services ( AWS )
新しいAWS- HA CVOの導入で導入が失敗し、OCCM server.logでメディエーターのスタックの作成に失敗したことがわかります。
ERROR [Create Aws Ha Working Environment] [34LsPJg3] [ ] [XXXXXXX] ( [AwsHaPrivateIpsCreateFlowExecutor:265] Could not create highly available VSA working environment with name$StackCreationFailedWithMessageException: The following resource(s) failed to create: [HAMediatorInstance]. Instance i-############ failed to stabilize. Current state: shutting-down. Reason: Client.InternalError: Client error on launch