- Views:
- 31
- Visibility:
- Public
- Votes:
- 0
- Category:
- cloud-volumes-ontap-cvo
- Specialty:
- cloud<a>Microsoft Azure</a><a>Cloud Volumes ONTAP (CVO)</a><a>のメンテナンスイベント</a><a>20099349347</a>
- Last Updated:
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP(CVO)HA
- BlueXP
- Microsoft Azure
- メンテナンスイベント
- Azureのメンテナンスイベントに続いて、BlueXPにアラートが表示されます。
HA cluster is not highly available
- HAペアのいずれかのノードがステータスを示して
::> storage failover show
Node Partner Possible State Description
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
Node-02 false In takeover, Auto giveback deferred
Node-01 - Unknown
2 entries were displayed.
::> storage failover show -instance Node: Node-01
Partner Name: Node-02
Node NVRAM ID: 2328352397
Partner NVRAM ID: 2328352403
Takeover Enabled: true
HA Mode: ha
Takeover Possible: false
Reason Takeover not Possible: Local node is already in takeover state.
Interconnect Up: false
Interconnect Links: RDMA Interconnect is down
Interconnect Type: iWARP
State Description: In takeover, Auto giveback deferred
Partner State: Unknown
Time Until Takeover: -
Reason Takeover not Possible by Partner: Local node is already in takeover state.
Node: Node-02
Partner Name: Node-01
Node NVRAM ID: 2328352403
Partner NVRAM ID: 2328352397
Takeover Enabled: -
HA Mode: -
Takeover Possible: -
Reason Takeover not Possible: -
Interconnect Up: -
Interconnect Links: -
Interconnect Type: -
State Description: Unknown
2 entries were displayed.
::> storage failover show-giveback -instance
Node: Node-01
Aggregate: CFO Aggregates
Aggregates Giveback State: Disk inventory not exchanged, automatic giveback
Destination for Giveback: Node-02
Node: Node-01
Aggregate: aggr2
Aggregates Giveback State: Not attempted yet
Destination for Giveback: Node-02
Warning: Unable to list entries on node Node-02. RPC: Couldn't make connection [from mgwd on node "Node-01" (VSID: -1) to mgwd at XX.XX.XX.XX]
2 entries were displayed.