

Last Updated:


  • OpenStack


[1]ONTAPで「vol move」コマンドを使用すると、Cinderストレージプール(FlexVol)をアグリゲート間で無停止で移行できます。


  • 選択的LUNマッピングに注意してください。SLMを使用している場合に、HAペアから別のHAペアにvol moveを実行すると、SLMのレポートノードにボリュームを移動できます。  これは混乱を招く可能性があります。
  • LUNの移動 は  サポートされていません。  これにより、 Cinder(特に hostprovider_location メタデータとメタデータ)に不整合が生じます。


「vol move」の例:

  1. ONTAPには次の2つのデータアグリゲートがあります。

ontap913::> aggr show

Aggregate    Size Available Used% State   #Vols  Nodes       RAID Status
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
      94.92GB   94.75GB   0% online     2 ontap913-01    raid_dp,
      79.10GB   79.10GB   0% online     0 ontap913-01    raid_dp,


  1. OpenStackでは、実行中のインスタンスによって3つの「使用中」Cinderボリュームが使用されています。

[root@openstack-xena-standalone ~(tenant01_user)]# openstack volume list
| ID                   | Name         | Status   | Size | Attached to                 |
| 09da3411-b16f-4998-9a87-dbe807bba515 | vol_move_test03    | in-use   |   1 | Attached to vol_move_vm03 on /dev/vda    |
| 2df3389e-e6b6-4b14-aaff-35079d84fab0 | vol_move_test02    | in-use   |   1 | Attached to vol_move_vm02 on /dev/vda    |
| 70c8aec7-567c-4d30-8ceb-c875c744d661 | vol_move_test01    | in-use   |   1 | Attached to vol_move_vm01 on /dev/vda    |

[root@openstack-xena-standalone ~(tenant01_user)]# openstack server list
| ID                   | Name        | Status  | Networks                 | Image           | Flavor  |
| 55db85a2-8966-4ae6-a226-b56a32d66259 | vol_move_vm03    | ACTIVE  | private_network_tenant01= | N/A (booted from volume) | m1.tiny |
| 36ee8e47-51d4-40c1-aa60-ecde82d99951 | vol_move_vm02    | ACTIVE  | private_network_tenant01= | N/A (booted from volume) | m1.tiny |
| 53597579-9811-494f-9fff-57c59449333b | vol_move_vm01    | ACTIVE  | private_network_tenant01= | N/A (booted from volume) | m1.tiny |

  1. 3つのCinderボリュームはすべて、 aggr1_ontap913 FlexVol「vol_move_test」に配置されます。          

[root@openstack-xena-standalone ~(tenant01_user)]# cinder get-pools --detail
| Property              | Value                                     |
| QoS_support             | True                                     |
| allocated_capacity_gb        | 3                                       |
| cacheable              | True                                     |
| consistencygroup_support      | True                                     |
| consistent_group_snapshot_enabled | True                                     |
| driver_version           | 3.0.0                                     |
| filter_function           | capabilities.utilization < 70                         |
| free_capacity_gb          | 15.98                                     |
| goodness_function          | 100 - capabilities.utilization                        |
| max_over_subscription_ratio     | 20.0                                     |
| multiattach             | True                                     |
| name                | openstack-xena-standalone.xyz.local@ontap-iscsi-913#vol_move_test      |
| netapp_aggregate          | aggr1_ontap913                                |
| netapp_aggregate_used_percent    | 0                                       |
| netapp_compression         | false                                     |
| netapp_dedup            | false                                     |
| netapp_dedupe_used_percent     | 0.0                                      |
| netapp_disk_type          | ['FCAL']                                   |
| netapp_flexvol_encryption      | false                                     |
| netapp_hybrid_aggregate       | false                                     |
| netapp_is_flexgroup         | false                                     |
| netapp_mirrored           | false                                     |
| netapp_qos_min_support       | false                                     |
| netapp_raid_type          | raid_dp                                    |
| netapp_thin_provisioned       | true                                     |
| online_extend_support        | True                                     |
| pool_name              | vol_move_test                                 |
| replication_enabled         | False                                     |
| reserved_percentage         | 0                                       |
| storage_protocol          | iSCSI                                     |
| thick_provisioning_support     | False                                     |
| thin_provisioning_support      | True                                     |
| timestamp              | 2023-07-26T12:59:57.009707                          |
| total_capacity_gb          | 19.0                                     |
| utilization             | 8.22                                     |
| vendor_name             | NetApp                                    |
| volume_backend_name         | ontap-iscsi-913                                |

  1. aを vol move 「aggr1_ontap913」から「aggr2_ontap913」に実行します。

ontap913::> vol move start -vserver ontap913_data -volume vol_move_test -destination-aggregate aggr2_ontap913
[Job 45] Job is queued: Move "vol_move_test" in Vserver "ontap913_data" to aggregate "aggr2_ontap913". Use the "volume move show -vserver ontap913_data -volume vol_move_test" command to view the status of this operation.

ontap913::> vol move show
Vserver   Volume    State   Move Phase Percent-Complete Time-To-Complete
--------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------
           healthy  replicating
                     86%        Wed Jul 26 13:10:36 2023
ontap913::> vol move show
Vserver   Volume    State   Move Phase Percent-Complete Time-To-Complete
--------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------
           healthy  cutover   98%        Wed Jul 26 13:10:34 2023


ontap913::> vol show -fields aggregate -volume vol_move_test
vserver      volume     aggregate
---------------- ------------- -----------------
ontap913_data vol_move_test aggr2_jdwontap913

  1. cinder get-pools --detail 以前のアグリゲートは引き続き表示されます。  Cinderサービスを再起動します。  サービスの再起動後、Cinderによって netapp_aggregate フィールドが更新されます。

| Property              | Value                                     |
| QoS_support             | True                                     |
| allocated_capacity_gb        | 3                                       |
| cacheable              | True                                     |
| consistencygroup_support      | True                                     |
| consistent_group_snapshot_enabled | True                                     |
| driver_version           | 3.0.0                                     |
| filter_function           | capabilities.utilization < 70                         |
| free_capacity_gb          | 15.98                                     |
| goodness_function          | 100 - capabilities.utilization                        |
| max_over_subscription_ratio     | 20.0                                     |
| multiattach             | True                                     |
| name                | openstack-xena-standalone.xyz.local@ontap-iscsi-913#vol_move_test       |
| netapp_aggregate          | aggr2_ontap913                                |
| netapp_aggregate_used_percent    | 0                                       |
| netapp_compression         | false                                     |
| netapp_dedup            | false                                     |
| netapp_dedupe_used_percent     | 0.0                                      |
| netapp_disk_type          | ['FCAL']                                   |
| netapp_flexvol_encryption      | false                                     |
| netapp_hybrid_aggregate       | false                                     |
| netapp_is_flexgroup         | false                                     |
| netapp_mirrored           | false                                     |
| netapp_qos_min_support       | false                                     |
| netapp_raid_type          | raid_dp                                    |
| netapp_thin_provisioned       | true                                     |
| online_extend_support        | True                                     |
| pool_name              | vol_move_test                                 |
| replication_enabled         | False                                     |
| reserved_percentage         | 0                                       |
| storage_protocol          | iSCSI                                     |
| thick_provisioning_support     | False                                     |
| thin_provisioning_support      | True                                     |
| timestamp              | 2023-07-26T13:35:17.988838                          |
| total_capacity_gb          | 19.0                                     |
| utilization             | 6.38                                     |
| vendor_name             | NetApp                                    |
| volume_backend_name         | ontap-iscsi-913                                |






NetApp provides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability or serviceability of any information or recommendations provided in this publication or with respect to any results that may be obtained by the use of the information or observance of any recommendations provided herein. The information in this document is distributed AS IS and the use of this information or the implementation of any recommendations or techniques herein is a customer's responsibility and depends on the customer's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer's operational environment. This document and the information contained herein may be used solely in connection with the NetApp products discussed in this document.