


  • NetApp HCI
  • ESXi 6.5 U1
  • H410c
  • ホストNICドライバ:
  • ホストNICファームウェア:14.17.2020


  • コンピューティングノードが応答しなくなり、vCenterに表示されなくなる
  • コンピューティングノードのNICフラッピング:


    2020-12-07T08:23:47.413Z: [netCorrelator] 61546389us: [vob.net.dvport.uplink.transition.down] Uplink: vmnic3 is down. Affected dvPort: 16/50 12 22 b9 86 37 ce 51-69 46 2d 4f 01 f7 75 88. 1 uplinks up. Faild criteria: 128
    2020-12-07T08:23:47.414Z: [netCorrelator] 61546395us: [vob.net.dvport.uplink.transition.down] Uplink: vmnic2 is down. Affected dvPort: 47/50 12 22 b9 86 37 ce 51-69 46 2d 4f 01 f7 75 88. 1 uplinks up. Faild criteria: 128


    2020-12-15T11:37:09.159Z warning hostd[D840B70] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc.NetworkProvider opID=1b4f4a2c-75-05c5 user=vpxuser:vpxuser] Unable to collect DPStatus data for this NIC
    2020-12-15T11:37:09.159Z error hostd[D840B70] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc.NetworkProvider opID=1b4f4a2c-75-05c5 user=vpxuser:vpxuser] Warning: unable to get Cdp/Lldp status for physical nic [vmnic2].



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