新しいセットアップでclustered Data ONTAP 8.3へのアップグレードが失敗する
- Data ONTAP 8.3
新しいセットアップでclustered Data ONTAP 8.3へのアップグレードが次のエラーで失敗する場合:
* This filer contains FreeBSD configured ports.
* You must correct this failure to avoid service disruptions.
* The following corrective action is required:
* Set the -privilege level do diagnostic:
* set -privilege diagnostic
* Issue the following commands:
* systemshell -node <node> 'kenv -upq bootarg.activatebsdport'
* systemshell -node <node> 'kenv -upq bootarg.activatebsdport.persist'
* systemshell -node <node> 'kenv -upq bootarg.givebsdmgmtport'
Retry the image installation after taking corrective action.
ERROR: LIF sufficiency check failed.
Install Failed.
Install Validation Failed. ERROR: LIF sufficiency check failed.
Error: command failed: Install Failed. Install Validation Failed. ERROR: LIF sufficiency check failed.