OnCommand Unified Managerコアパッケージ(DFM)でCommvault Auxコピージョブが準拠エラーで失敗する
- OnCommand Unified Managerコアパッケージ(DFM)
- CommVault SnapProtect の略
- 複数のAUXコピージョブがエラーで失敗しました。AUXコピーが実行されていません。
- CommVaultのエラー:
AuxCopyMgr Error occurred while processing chunk [2072] in media [], at the time of error in library [] and mount path [[] path], for storage policy [] copy [] MediaAgent []: . Source: , Process: AuxCopyMgr Check streams information for more details Conformance status for Dataset id [2072], Source Copy [184] is not conformant in DataFabric Manager.
Conformance failure reason = [ ] Severity:[Error] Run Action:[None of the physical resources matched, so thin provision a new flexible volume (backup secondary) of size 14938369265 KB for qtree "qtree_path" into node 'Backup' and then attempt to create a backup.