- SRA 2.1
- プロトコル:NFS
SRA command 'testFailoverStart' failed. Storage port not found Either Storage port information provided in NFS list is incorrect else Verify the "isPv4" option in ontap_config file matches the ipaddress in NFS field.
2014-03-27T00:41:34.382+07:00 [02312 info 'SraCommand' opID=3948C95F-0000003F] testFailoverStart's stdout:
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:30 NetApp FAS/V-Series Storage Replication Adapter 2.1 for clustered Data ONTAP Build Date 25-11-2013
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:30 Starting script
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:30 Test-Failover-start
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:30 Version in filer is 1 20
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:30 Root Volume is EGA_Mirror_SRM_root
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:32 Collecting storage IP address information
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:32 Could not find any IP address for NFS
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:32 Could not find any igroup or IP address
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:32 Entering updateLsMirror
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:33 Root Volume is EGA_Mirror_SRM_root
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:34 No LS snapmirror relations found
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:34 Snapmirror update for vserver root volume failed
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:34 Test-Failover-start completed with errors
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:34 Generate autosupport event in filer
--> 27-03-2014T00:41:34 Autosupport Event is disabled