バージョンの不一致が原因で SRA の再保護が失敗する
- Storage Replication Adapter(SRA)
- SRA の再保護が次のエラーで失敗する:
Failed to reverse replication for device '//svm2/vol_test_lun_dest/test_lun'. SRA command 'reverseReplication' failed for device '//svm1/test_lun/test_lun'. SnapMirror resynchronization failed. Ensure that the devices are configured correctly. SnapMirror resync cannot be performed because source volume or source system is not available. If the source site has been lost and you need to perform a real failover use the forced cleanup option. Check the log files for more details. snapmirror protect
- SnapMirror 関係が消去され、「 snapmirror resync 」処理ではなく「 snapmirror protect 」が試行されます。