SnapCenter vSphere Plugin 4.0 から VM のファイルをリストアしようとしたときに、指定したクレデンシャルを使用してゲストシステムにアクセスできませんでした
- SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware(SCV)4.0/4.1.1
- NetApp データブローカー( NDB )
- SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware(SCV)4.3以降
Failed to access guest system using specified credentials.
Please verify VMWare tools is installed/running on the system and account used has domain administrator privileges.
Error is ApiException Failed to start process in guest system SystemError vix error codes = (3004, 0).
表示場所 vmcontrol_jetty_server.log
com.netapp.nvpf.api.model.ApiException: Failed to access guest system using specified credentials.
Verify if VMWare tools is installed or running on the system and the account is built-in administrator account. Error is ApiException Failed to start process in guest system InvalidGuestLogin