SnapCenter Plugin for SQL Server で Microsoft SQL Server の検証が失敗しました。エラー「 Error of type system exception wed. 」が表示されます。
SnapCenter Plugin for SQL Server ( SCSQL )
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 ( MSSQL )
Microsoft Window Server 2008 R2
SCSQL バックアップが正常に完了しました。ただし、別のホスト上の SQL Server の検証が次のエラーで失敗しています。
VirtualizationAPILog Critical: 1 : 03/27-19:25:48.631 PID:2248 TID:900 @-1 End CEsxServer::IsGuestOSInternal():True
VirtualizationAPILog Critical: 1 : 03/27-19:25:48.635 PID:2248 TID:900 @-1 CEsxServer::ConnectToEsxServer() - Failed to connect to ESX server the exception is - The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.
VirtualizationAPILog Critical: 1 : 03/27-19:25:53.635 PID:2248 TID:900 @-1 CEsxServer::ConnectToEsxServer() - Failed to connect to ESX server the exception is - The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.
VirtualizationAPILog Critical: 1 : 03/27-19:25:53.635 PID:2248 TID:900 @-1 CEsxServer::ConnectToEsxServer() - Failed to connect to ESX server the exception is - The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.
VirtualizationAPILog Critical: 1 : 03/27-19:25:53.636 PID:2248 TID:900 @-1 CEsxServer::Initialize() - Failed to Initialize the