「Exchange Database is not on NetApp storage or in an invalid state」エラーにより、SCEがデータベースをバックアップできません
- Views:
- 8
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- Category:
- snapcenter
- Specialty:
- snapx<a>2008981209</a><a>(翻訳用</a>
- Last Updated:
- SnapCenter サーバ( SC ) 4.3
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange Server(SCE)4.3
Job log:
Status: Failed
Failed on 'SG01':
Activity 'Discovering Exchange Resources'failed with error: Exchange Database (UserDB,VIPDB) is not on NetApp storage or in an invalid state.
Activity 'Registering invalid databases' failed with error: Unable to find any healthy resource on NetApp storage.
Activity 'Starting Exchange Backup' failed with error: The following activities failed:Discovering Exchange Resources,Registering invalid databases,Grouping Resources. Please check the activities for detailed error message.
Activity 'Send EMS Messages' failed with error: Unable to find storage system for given resources. EMS message instead sent to the storage connection accessible by this user:user01
Failed or non NetApp objects:
Exchange Database - UserDB
Exchange Database - VIPDB
No successfully backed up objects.
Attached is the backup details report for Resource Group [SG01] Policy [DAG_backup]