- SnapCenterサーバ(SC)4.6/4.7
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange Server(SCE)4.6/4.7
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows Server(SCW)4.6 / 4.7
- Data ONTAP VSSプロバイダ(navsspov)
- SCEおよびSCWを4.6または4.7にアップグレードしても、ジョブの詳細に表示される次のエラーでnavsspovを登録できません。
A fatal error occurred during Installation. Check the Installer log "\\Host_IP\C$\Windows\SnapCenter plugin\Install_id\SnapCenter_Windows_Host_Plug-in_Install_id.log" for more information
C:\Windows\SnapCenter plugin\SnapCenter_Windows_Host_Plug-in_Install_<Job_ID>.log
(ISP Action): SUITE_INSTALLDIR for SCW Plugin = <installation_path>\NetApp\SnapCenter\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows\
(ISP Action): BI_SERVICEACCOUNT = ".\LocalSystem"
(ISP Action): Program Executable Path = "<installation_path>\NetApp\SnapCenter\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows\navssprv.exe"
(ISP Action): Program Command Line = -r service -a ".\LocalSystem"
(ISP Action): LaunchProgram: Working Directory: <installation_path>\NetApp\SnapCenter\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows\
(ISP Action): LaunchProgram: LaunchApplication Result: -1
(ISP Action): LaunchProgram: LaunchApplication Program exit code: 1155, Exit message: No application is associated with the specified file for this operation.
(ISP Action): LaunchProgram: Program Value: <installation_path>\NetApp\SnapCenter\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows\regsvr32
(ISP Action): LaunchProgram: Command Line: VSSProviderSupportPS.dll
(ISP Action): LaunchProgram: Working Directory: <installation_path>\NetApp\SnapCenter\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows\
(ISP Action): LaunchProgram: LaunchApplication Result: -1
(ISP Action): LaunchProgram: LaunchApplication Program exit code: 2, Exit message: The system cannot find the file specified.
(ISP Action): LaunchProgram: End...
(ISP Action): RegisterVSSProvider: Register VSS Provider Result: 0 .
(ISP Action): RegisterVSSProvider: Register VSS Provider Result (Post Config Validation): -2147024894 .
(ISP Action): ISInstallMode = 0
(ISP Action): RegisterVSSProvider: ERROR: Failed to Configure the VSS Provider
Action returned value 0x00000643
Action 'SCW_RegisterVSSProvider' returned status 0x80070643
Original exit status: 0x80070643, final exit status: 0x00000643
- SCE、SCW、およびSMCoreのインストールログには、正常にインストールされたと記録されます
- SCHostsビューで、サービスが全面的なステータスで停止し、バージョンが更新されていない可能性があります