
SCE が DAG オブジェクトを検出できません

Last Updated:


  • SnapCenter 
  • Exchange 用 SnapCenter プラグイン


  • SnapCenter Plug-In for Exchange が DAG データベースの列挙とバックアップに失敗しました

2019-12-18T13:44:09.3327837+03:00 Verbose SCE PID=[71612] TID=[61348] ++SCEDiscoveryWorkflow::DiscoverPluginResources
2019-12-18T13:44:09.3347859+03:00 Verbose SCE PID=[71612] TID=[61348] ++SCEDiscoveryWorkflow::PerformDAGEnumeration
2019-12-18T13:44:09.3347859+03:00 Verbose SCE PID=[71612] TID=[61348] ++ExchangePSHelper::GetSCEDAGsByName
2019-12-18T13:44:09.3357899+03:00 Verbose SCE PID=[71612] TID=[61348] DAGs: DAG1.company.com
2019-12-18T13:44:09.3357899+03:00 Verbose SCE PID=[71612] TID=[61348] Enumerate DBs: true
2019-12-18T13:44:09.3357899+03:00 Verbose SCE PID=[71612] TID=[61348] ++ExchangePSHelper::GetDAG
2019-12-18T13:44:09.5299787+03:00 Verbose SCE PID=[71612] TID=[61348] ++PSHelper::RunCommand
2019-12-18T13:44:09.5309754+03:00 Verbose SCE PID=[71612] TID=[61348] ++ConfigManager::GetConfigSettingMaxRetryFileExist
2019-12-18T13:44:09.5309754+03:00 Verbose SCE PID=[71612] TID=[61348] INFO: Maximum retry file existence config setting not found.
2019-12-18T13:44:09.5309754+03:00 Verbose SCE PID=[71612] TID=[61348] --ConfigManager::GetConfigSettingMaxRetryFileExist
2019-12-18T13:44:09.5319770+03:00 Verbose SCE PID=[71612] TID=[61348] INFO: Retry interval config setting not found.
2019-12-18T13:44:09.5680123+03:00 Critical SCE PID=[71612] TID=[61348] The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop:
The operation couldn't be performed because object 'DAG1.company.com' couldn't be found on 'dc1.company.com'
at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PipelineBase.Invoke(IEnumerable input)


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