- SnapCenter サーバ( SC )
- SnapCenter Plug-In for Microsoft SQL Server ( SCSQL )
- raw Device Mapping(RDM;rawデバイスマッピング)ディスク
- リモートホストへのリストアが失敗し、で示すエラーが表示されます
<installation_path>\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SMCore\SnapDriveSALDebug.log
2022-04-13T15:33:29.5798308+02:00 Verbose SDW PID=[3508] TID=[3476] <MountPoint> is not RDM. Get Host Initiator.
2022-04-13T15:33:29.5954572+02:00 Verbose SDW PID=[3508] TID=[5912] <MountPoint> is not RDM. Get Host Initiator.
2022-04-13T15:33:29.6579679+02:00 Error SDW PID=[3508] TID=[3476] Error: Failed to get initiator information
2022-04-13T15:33:29.6735986+02:00 Verbose SDW PID=[3508] TID=[5912] Resource: <MountPoint>
2022-04-13T15:33:29.6735986+02:00 Error SDW PID=[3508] TID=[5912] Snap connect failed - [<MountPoint>]
2022-04-13T15:33:29.6735986+02:00 Error SDW PID=[3508] TID=[5912] Failed to mount the resource: <MountPoint> from snapshot: <snapshot_name>.
2022-04-13T15:33:29.6735986+02:00 Error SDW PID=[3508] TID=[5912] Failed to mount the Snapshot copy.Failed to mount the resource: <MountPoint> from snapshot: <snapshot_name>.
Possible Resolution: Make sure that Host to storage connectivity is available.
Failed to mount the resource: <MountPoint> from snapshot: <snapshot_name>.
Possible Resolution: Make sure that Host to storage connectivity is available.
- SC Hosts - Disks (SCホスト-ディスク)ビューでRDMではなく専用のRDMディスクとしてRDMディスクが提供されている