SCV -デバイス「13」の設定が無効でVMのリストアが失敗する
- SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere [SCV]
- 仮想マシン[VM]
- SCVで、マウントされたSnapshotからターゲットデータストアにStorage vMotionを実行すると、別の場所(別のvCenterサーバ)へのVMのリストアが失敗します。(そしてそれはタスクの終わりの直前に)。
- SCVは、さまざまなログに次のエラーメッセージを報告します。
2023-05-24 17:08:51.658 ERROR <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.v.VsphereService : Invalid configuration for device '13'.
2023-05-24 17:08:51.658 DEBUG <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.v.MigrationService : [JobId:1645] Relocate VM Task failed
2023-05-24 17:08:51.661 WARN <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.r.AbstractRestoreStrategy : [JobId:1645] Error in relocating VM: <Desintation_VMNAME>
2023-05-24 17:08:51.661 DEBUG <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.r.AbstractRestoreStrategy : Clearing the mounted datastore map to prevent unmount. The temporary mounted datastore will need to be manually unmounted from the Backup
2023-05-24 17:08:51.664 ERROR <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.r.AbstractRestoreStrategy : ERROR_RESTOREMANAGER_FAILED_TO_RELOCATE_VM : <Desintation_VMNAME>
2023-05-24 17:08:51.664 DEBUG <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.v.VsphereTaskUtil : Retrieving task with moref Task:task-163306
2023-05-24 17:08:51.665 DEBUG <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.v.VsphereService : [JobId:1645] Connecting to vSphere with session <Session ID>
2023-05-24 17:08:51.699 DEBUG <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.r.RestoreManager : Setting restore task as failed
2023-05-24 17:08:51.699 DEBUG <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.v.VsphereTaskUtil : Retrieving task with moref Task:task-163306
2023-05-24 17:08:51.699 DEBUG <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.v.VsphereService : [JobId:1645] Connecting to vSphere with session <Session ID>
2023-05-24 17:08:51.759 ERROR <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.s.p.RestoreWorkflowManager : [JobId:1645] ERROR_RESTOREMANAGER_FAILED_TO_RELOCATE_VM : SKMS-P01-restore
2023-05-24 17:08:51.759 DEBUG <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.s.p.RestoreWorkflowManager : created JAXBresponse
2023-05-24 17:08:51.759 DEBUG <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.s.p.RestoreWorkflowManager : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
2023-05-24 17:08:51.759 DEBUG <Hostname> --- [474675244-30367] c.n.a.s.p.RestoreWorkflowManager : Leaving RestoreWorkflowManager - Restore Phase
2023-05-24 17:08:51.785 DEBUG <Hostname> --- [pool-6-thread-1] c.n.w.r.SCSJobServiceImpl : Completed updating task on SnapCenter Server.
2023-05-24 17:08:51.785 WARN <Hostname> --- [pool-6-thread-1] c.n.w.m.WorkflowExecutor : Activity (Restore) of Workflow (WorkflowExecutor), Failed with error: Exception while calling restore on SCV: ERROR_RESTOREMANAGER_FAILED_TO_RELOCATE_VM : Desintation_VMNAME