
「別の転送が実行中」のため、 SCV バックアップジョブで SnapMirror が更新されない。

Last Updated:


  • SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere ( SCV )
  • SnapMirror


  • SCV バックアップジョブが警告で終了した:

SnapMirror update operation failed.
Failed to update the SnapMirror relationship.
Another transfer is in progress.

  • Job-<JOB_ID>.log エラーを表示します

[DBG] Running Command Invoke-NcSnapmirrorUpdate controller name : <CONTROLLER>, vserver : <VSERVER>
[ERR] API exception
[ERR] Failed to run a command Invoke-NcSnapmirrorUpdate
[DBG] ex.Message : Another transfer is in progress.
[DBG] ex.InnerException.Message : Another transfer is in progress.
[ERR] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (SnapMirror update failed for N relationships: 
Relationship [<SOURCE_SVM> : <SOURCE_VOLUME> ==><DESTINATION_SVM> : <DESTINATION_VOLUME>] failed with error: Snapmirror update failed with SDError (102) - SnapMirror update operation failed.
Failed to update the SnapMirror relationship.
Another transfer is in progress.

  • wfe_<JOB_ID>.log エラーを表示します

DEBUG <HOST> --- [nio-8080-exec-1] c.n.w.c.BackupController          : Message: SnapMirror update failed for N relationships: 
Relationship [<SOURCE_SVM> : <SOURCE_VOLUME> ==><DESTINATION_SVM> : <DESTINATION_VOLUME>] failed with error: Snapmirror update failed with SDError (102) - SnapMirror update operation failed.
Failed to update the SnapMirror relationship.
Another transfer is in progress.

  • snapmirror_audit.log 同じ関係 ID の複数の SnapMirror 更新が 、同時に異なる処理 UUID で実行されていることを示し ます

ManualUpdate[<TIMESTAMP>]:<RELATIONSHIP_ID> Operation-Uuid=e5e9b721-7927-11ec-b54a-00a098b9d75a Group=none Operation-Cookie=0 action=Start source=<SOURCE_PATH> destination=<DESTINATION_PATH>
ManualUpdate[<TIMESTAMP>]:<RELATIONSHIP_ID> Operation-Uuid=ed90f880-7927-11ec-b54a-00a098b9d75a Group=none Operation-Cookie=0 action=Start source=<SOURCE_PATH> destination=<DESTINATION_PATH>
ManualUpdate[<TIMESTAMP>]:<RELATIONSHIP_ID> Operation-Uuid=ed90f880-7927-11ec-b54a-00a098b9d75a Group=none Operation-Cookie=0 action=End source=<SOURCE_PATH> destination=<DESTINATION_PATH> status=Failure message=Another transfer is in progress.

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