
LUN のクローンが複数見つかった場合、 SCV リストアが失敗する

Last Updated:


  • SnapCenter Server 
  • SnapCenter Plugin for VMware vSphere [SCV ( SCV ) ]
  • VMware 管理オブジェクトブラウザ [MOB ]
  • NetApp データブローカー [NDB]


  • SCV リストアが失敗するMore than one clone of LUN with UUID:5c6c54f4-83dcd92a-ad89-0025b501a000 found. Aborting mount because this is not supported. Check and verify whether multiple clones of the LUN are present which are not yet resolved as VMFS datastores"

2020-04-10T10:27:51.0000160-05:00 DEBUG VSC com.netapp.aegis.vsphere.DatastoreService [JobId:XXXXX] DatastoreUtils: Invoking Rescan VMFS on ESX HOST <ESX hostname>
2020-04-10T10:28:04.0000170-05:00 DEBUG VSC com.netapp.aegis.vsphere.DatastoreService DatastoreUtils: Completed Rescan VMFS on ESX HOST <ESX hostname>
2020-04-10T10:28:04.0000170-05:00 DEBUG VSC com.netapp.aegis.mount.VmfsMountStrategy vscDatastoretoMount size: 1
2020-04-10T10:28:24.0000101-05:00 DEBUG VSC com.netapp.aegis.mount.VmfsMountStrategy Total number of unresolved volumes: 1
2020-04-10T10:28:24.0000101-05:00 DEBUG VSC com.netapp.aegis.mount.VmfsMountStrategy Finding the matching Host Unresolved Volume
2020-04-10T10:28:24.0000101-05:00 DEBUG VSC com.netapp.aegis.mount.VmfsMountStrategy Finding: Comparing original datastore UUID <UUID> with unresolved VMFS volume's UUID <UUID>
2020-04-10T10:28:24.0000101-05:00 DEBUG VSC com.netapp.aegis.mount.VmfsMountStrategy Uuid Match Found for Host Unresolved volume: <UUID>
2020-04-10T10:28:24.0000101-05:00 DEBUG VSC com.netapp.aegis.mount.VmfsMountStrategy Adding entry in the map
2020-04-10T10:28:24.0000101-05:00 DEBUG VSC com.netapp.aegis.mount.VmfsMountStrategy Total Number of entries in DatastoreVolumeMap: 1
2020-04-10T10:28:24.0000101-05:00 DEBUG VSC com.netapp.aegis.mount.VmfsMountStrategy Total Number of Extents found for the volume is 2
2020-04-10T10:28:24.0000101-05:00 ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.mount.VmfsMountStrategy [JobId:XXXXX] More than one clone of LUN with UUID:<UUID> found. Aborting mount because this is not supported. Check and verify whether multiple clones of the LUN are present which are not yet resolved as VMFS datastores
2020-04-10T10:28:24.0000101-05:00 WARN  VSC com.netapp.aegis.mount.VmfsMountStrategy [JobId:XXXXX] Error during mounting datastore : []



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