
SnapCenter プラグインのバックアップは「このバックアップから作成されたクローンがあるため、バックアップを削除できませんでした。クローン -

Last Updated:


  • SnapCenter Plug-In for Oracle ( SCO )
  • SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere ( SCV )
  • SnapCenter Plug-in for SQL ( SCSQL )


  • SCO/SCSQLの保持操作中に、ジョブは次のエラーで失敗します。

    Failed to delete backup as there are clone(s) created from this backup. Please delete clone(s) - <clone_name><clone_id> before deleting backup.
  • The error can also be seen in the SnapManagerWeb logs:

    ERROR SnapManagerWeb_011111 PID=[4012] TID=[12] ErrorCode (113), ErrorMessage (Failed to delete backup as there are clone(s) created from this backup. Please delete clone(s) - acme_123456_PROD__clone__04-01-2029_11.22.33 before deleting backup.)
    ERROR SnapManagerWeb_011111 PID=[4012] TID=[12] VerifyIfCloneOrMountExistsForBackup failed: Failed to delete backup as there are clone(s) created from this backup. Please delete clone(s) - acme_123456_PROD__clone__04-01-2029_11.22.33 before deleting backup.Failed to delete backup as there are clone(s) created from this backup. Please delete clone(s) - acme_123456_PROD__clone__04-01-2029_11.22.33 before deleting backup.
    ERROR SnapManagerWeb_011111 PID=[4012] TID=[12] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Failed to delete backup as there are clone(s) created from this backup. Please delete clone(s) - acme_123456_PROD__clone__04-01-2029_11.22.33 before deleting backup.)
    ERROR SnapManagerWeb_011111 PID=[4012] TID=[12] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Retention : Failed to delete backup as there are clone(s) created from this backup. Please delete clone(s) - acme_123456_PROD__clone__04-01-2029_11.22.33 before deleting backup.Failed to delete backup as there are clone(s) created from this backup. Please delete clone(s) -
    acme_123456_PROD__clone__04-01-2029_11.22.33 before deleting backup.Failed to delete backup as there are clone(s) created from this backup. Please delete clone(s) -
    acme_123456_PROD__clone__04-01-2029_11.22.33 before deleting backup.)
    INFO  SnapManagerWeb_011111 PID=[4012] TID=[12] Enter JobManagerProvider: UpdateJobStatus
    DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_011111 PID=[4012] TID=[12] Updating the job (011111) task (Registering Backup and Applying Retention) status as Failed

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