WindowsでSnapCenter RDMの検証またはリストアがiSCSIイニシエータを検出できない
- Views:
- 17
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- Public
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- 0
- Category:
- snapcenter
- Specialty:
- snapx<a>RDM</a><a>2009336702</a>
- Last Updated:
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Windows(SCW)4.x
- SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware(SCV)4.x
- UIエラーは次のいずれかです。
ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Could not get the iSCSI initiator.)
Unable to get the initiator details of host <HOST_FQDN>
- SMCoreログ
INFO SMCore_#### PID=[####] TID=[#] Could not get initiator information from host, to mount physical SAN file system(s).
ERROR SMCore_#### PID=[####] TID=[#] Exception in method: Execute. System.Exception: Could not get the iSCSI initiator