権限エラーのため、 SnapCenter サーバがプラグインからのアクセスを拒否しました
- SnapCenter Server
- SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere ( SCV )
設定ミスがなくても権限エラーが発生したため、 SnapCenter サーバは SnapCenter プラグインからのアクセスを拒否します。
- 問題 1: SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere ( SCV )のダッシュボード、ストレージシステム、リソースグループ、ポリシー、ゲストファイルのリストアのページに情報が表示されない。次
ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.sms.client.SnapManagerPolicyServiceRestImpl Unable to get policies from SnapCenter Server : The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.
ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.sms.manager.PolicyManager Unable to get policies from SnapCenter Server : The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.
- 問題 2:スケジュールされた SnapCenter ジョブが実行されない
で SnapCenter サーバからの応答に次のエラーメッセージが表示されます。
<_message>The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.<_errorCode>-1
- 問題 3:次のエラーが原因で、 SCV バックアップジョブが失敗する。
Unable to get storage details for datastore <datastore_name> with managed object reference <datastore_id>. Storage system(s) may need to be added, also ensure that the associated host is in a connected state.
には aegis.log
ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.sms.client.SnapManagerStorageServiceImpl The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.
ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.model.DatastoreStorageDetailsCache The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.
DEBUG VSC com.netapp.aegis.model.DatastoreStorageDetailsCache Storage footprint not found
ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.discovery.VsphereDiscoveryManager Unable to get storage details for datastore <datastore_name> with managed object reference <datastore_id>. Storage system(s) may need to be added, also ensure that the associated host is in a connected state.
ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.sms.provider.DiscoverResourcesManager [JobId:<Job_ID>] com.netapp.nvpf.api.model.ApiException: Unable to get storage details for datastore <datastore_name> with managed object reference <datastore_id>. Storage system(s) may need to be added, also ensure that the associated host is in a connected state.