SCV ゲストファイルのリストアメニューを拡張できません
- SnapCenter Plug-In for VMware ( SCV )
- vSphere Web Client で SCV Guest-File Restore ( GFR )メニューを拡張できません
- SCV ログで次のエラーが報告される
2021-06-09 10:55:30.307 -04:00 [ERR] [Backup] [TID:50] [RID:HOSTNAME:00000002] [CID:] [JID:] System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Failed to get runas account by name '' details: Validation failed: -- Auth.Id: The specified id 1 does not exist.) ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to get runas account by name '' details: Validation failed: -- Auth.Id: The specified id 1 does not exist. at NetApp.DataProtection.Services.Backup.API.Services.ProtectionServices.GetRunAs(String runAsName, String token, Int64 id)