
HICの障害が原因で0E L3でEシリーズコントローラがロックダウンされました

Last Updated:


  • Eシリーズ
  • NetApp E2824
  • NetApp E5760


  • コントロオラロツクタウンクレエトトレホオトノ7セグメントコオト0E L3
  • HICのPCIeエラーに関連するエントリは、 excLogShow  in STATE-CAPTURE-DATA

---- Log Entry #9 (Core 0) Jun-30-2023 12:32:49 PM ----
PCI SERR Exception
SERR Summary: 0x00000002
SERR Return Status: 0x00000003
SERR Collection Count: 0x2
  PCI-E Root Port to Host Card  (Unit 6)
   VID 0x8086 DID 0x6f02 B0:D1:F0
   PCI-E AER Root Error Status = 0x00000001
   PCI-E XP Global Status = 0x00020004
   SERR Summary Flags = 0x2
  Host-side Fibre  (Unit 7)
   VID 0x1077 DID 0x2871 B16:D0:F0
   PCI-E Device Status = 0x0001
   PCI-E AER Correctable Status = 0x00000001
   SERR Summary Flags = 0x2
  Host-side Fibre  (Unit 6)
   VID 0x1077 DID 0x2871 B16:D0:F1
   PCI-E Device Status = 0x0001
   PCI-E AER Correctable Status = 0x00000001
   SERR Summary Flags = 0x2
  Host-side Fibre  (Unit 5)
   VID 0x1077 DID 0x2871 B16:D0:F2
   PCI-E Device Status = 0x0001
   PCI-E AER Correctable Status = 0x00000001
   SERR Summary Flags = 0x2
  Host-side Fibre  (Unit 4)
   VID 0x1077 DID 0x2871 B16:D0:F3
   PCI-E Device Status = 0x0001
   PCI-E AER Correctable Status = 0x00000001
   SERR Summary Flags = 0x2
NOTE: Recovered from Correctable PCI SERR
Processor Global Correctable Error: 40
Processor reported PCI SERR

  • excLogShow STATE-CAPTURE-DATA でPCIトリガのロックダウンを検出 0E L3

---- Log Entry #3 (Core 0) Jan-30-2024 01:03:11 AM ----

PCI DEVICE 0 NOT FOUND: Host-side Fibre Device=0 Function=3 ClassCode=0xc0400 ParentBridge=PCI-E Root Port to Host Card

PCI DEVICE NOT ACCESSIBLE: Host-side Fibre Device=0 Function=3 ClassCode=0xc0400 ParentBridge=PCI-E Root Port to Host Card

PCI DEVICE 0 NOT FOUND: Host-side Fibre Device=0 Function=2 ClassCode=0xc0400 ParentBridge=PCI-E Root Port to Host Card

PCI DEVICE NOT ACCESSIBLE: Host-side Fibre Device=0 Function=2 ClassCode=0xc0400 ParentBridge=PCI-E Root Port to Host Card

PCI DEVICE 0 NOT FOUND: Host-side Fibre Device=0 Function=1 ClassCode=0xc0400 ParentBridge=PCI-E Root Port to Host Card

PCI DEVICE NOT ACCESSIBLE: Host-side Fibre Device=0 Function=1 ClassCode=0xc0400 ParentBridge=PCI-E Root Port to Host Card

PCI DEVICE 0 NOT FOUND: Host-side Fibre Device=0 Function=0 ClassCode=0xc0400 ParentBridge=PCI-E Root Port to Host Card

PCI DEVICE NOT ACCESSIBLE: Host-side Fibre Device=0 Function=0 ClassCode=0xc0400 ParentBridge=PCI-E Root Port to Host Card

---- Log Entry #4 (Core 0) Jan-30-2024 01:03:12 AM ----
Lockdown Condition:
Controller has been locked down due to Hardware errors
Seven segment LED code:
0E L3 



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