- Views:
- 30
- Visibility:
- Public
- Votes:
- 0
- Category:
- element-software
- Specialty:
- solidfire
- Last Updated:
- Invalid Date
- NetApp Elementソフトウェア
- NetApp SFシリーズ
- NetApp Hシリーズ
- NetApp SolidFire Active IQまたはWebGUIのエラー:
blockClusterFull Add additional capacity or free up capacity as soon as possible.
scheduleActionError Schedule action failed for schedule IDs: [x].
- イベントログ:
clusterMasterEvent Block Cluster Full Threshold Event { "reason": "thresholdExceeded", "fullness": "stage4Critical" }
apiEvent API Call (CreateSnapshot) 4 { "success": false, "params": { "scheduleID": 1, "name": "", "enableRemoteReplication": false, "volumeID": "12", "snapMirrorLabel": {}, "retention": "96:0:00" }, "method": "CreateSnapshot", "context": { "ip": "", "authMethod": "Cluster", "user": "internal" }, "error": { "message": "Snapshot creation inhibited due to critical cluster fullness; see cluster faults", "code": 500, "name": "xClusterFullnessCritical" } }
schedulerEvent Schedule action failed 2 4 { "scheduleID": 1, "scheduleName": "snapshot-xx", "error": { "message": "Snapshot creation inhibited due to critical cluster fullness; see cluster faults", "name": "xClusterFullnessCritical" } }