
API呼び出しの実行中に「Invalid session id received」というエラーメッセージが表示される

Last Updated:


  • Brocade
  • サンナビ


  • セッションIDの生成後ログインAPI呼び出しを使用して、生成されたセッションIDを使用して後続のAPI呼び出しが実行されますが、 Invalid session id received エラーメッセージがスローされます。 

[root@xxxxxxxx ~]# curl -k -H 'username: ' -H 'password: ' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST https://10.225.xx.xx/external-api/v1/login/
{"sessionId":"4a84bce3-b086-4df6-b209-fbff6a54bb55"}[root@xxxxxxxx ~]#
[root@xxxxxxxx ~]#
[root@xxxxxxxx ~]# curl -vv -k -H 'Authorization: 4a84bce3-b086-4df6-b209-fbff6a54bb55' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET https://10.225.xx.xx/external-api/v1/discovery/fabrics
Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, GET is already inferred.
*   Trying 10.225.xx.xx...
* Connected to 10.225.xx.xx (10.225.xx.xx) port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2



* Connection #0 to host 10.225.xx.xx left intact
{"code":401,"errorMessage":"UnAuthorizedException","detailedErrorMessage":"Invalid authorization token in the request: {\"ResponseCode\":\"AUTHENTICATION_2017\",\"ResponseId\":\"authentication.sessionvalidation.invalidsessionid\",\"ResponseMessage\":\"Invalid session id received\"}"}

  • セッションIDは、初回ログインを実行したホストIPアドレスに関連付けられます。 HTTPSプロキシが使用されている場合、IPアドレスが変更され、セッションIDが無効と表示されることがあります。 ただし、ホストはHTTPSにプロキシを使用していません。
  • SANnavログには、IPアドレスへの参照が1つしかありません。
    authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-01 16:45:07.665 [http-nio-12009-exec-3] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.controller.AuthenticationController - Login Request from client : 10.1.xx.xx with isGlobal flag: [null]
    authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-01 16:45:07.727 [http-nio-12009-exec-3] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.controller.AuthenticationController - Authentication successful and sessionId is e947f2c3-d66e-4c01-8655-cd05f129d9e0 for user ROuser, client 10.1.xx.xx - - [01/Apr/2024:16:45:07 +0530] "POST /external-api/v1/login/ HTTP/2.0" 200 52 "-""curl/7.61.1"


  • この日付のセッションIDがわかっている場合は、以降のRESTコマンドで引き続き使用するか、 ログアウトすることができます。
  • RESTは、 [1]セッションIDを使用しないセッションレスモードでも使用できます。
  • セッションレス認証も試行しましたが  、で認証に失敗しました invalid username and password error。  ただし、GUIコンソールで同じクレデンシャルを使用しても問題はありません。



2024-04-23 16:29:51 curl -k -H 'Authorization: Basic ' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET https://10.225.xx.xx/external-api/v1/discovery/fabrics


10.1.xx.xx - ROuser [23/Apr/2024:16:29:51 +0530] "GET /external-api/v1/discovery/fabrics HTTP/2.0" 401 148 "-""curl/7.61.1"


authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.550 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.controller.AuthenticationController - Login Request from client : 10.1.xx.xx with isGlobal flag: [null]
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.558 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.controller.AuthenticationController -  Maximum session limit: 25, current session count: 8, current sessionLess count: 0 and  totalSessionCount: 8
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.558 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.DCMRealmAuthenticator - Primary authentication setting is Local Database and secondary authentication setting is None
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.565 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.LocalDbRealm - Authentication status after verifying using MD5 encryption false
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.572 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.DCMRealmAuthenticator - Done with primary authentication. Auth status: false, fallback status: 0
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.572 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.DCMRealmAuthenticator - Falling back to local authentication false .....?
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.572 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.DCMRealmAuthenticator - Login status for user ROuser after authentication and user role check: false Is locally Authenticated false
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.572 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.DCMRealmAuthenticator - Authentication failed for user ROuser status 0 
authentication-rbac-mw - [ERROR] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.572 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.DCMRealmAuthenticator - Authentication failed for user ROuser authType Local Database
authentication-rbac-mw - [ERROR] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.572 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.controller.AuthenticationController - Login failed! Authentication exception occured for client 10.1.xx.xx
org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationException: Invalid username and password

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