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  • すべてのBrocadeスイッチハードウェアプラットフォーム
  • すべてのBrocade Fabric Operating System(FOS)ファームウェアレベル
  • バックエンドMCCスイッチ


  • スイッチポートのステータスがになりonlineます。 switchshow

/fabos/bin/switchshow :
Index Slot Port Address Media  Speed     State   Proto
75   9   11   0f4b40   id   N32   Online    FC  F-Port  10:00:94:40:c9:cf:4a:b1

  • C3 discards, C3timeout TX errors, link fail, loss sync uncorr エラーは 以下で報告され porterrshowます。

porterrshow 9/11
           frames      enc    crc    crc    too    too    bad    enc   disc   link   loss   loss   frjt   fbsy  c3timeout    pcs    uncor
        tx     rx      in    err    g_eof  shrt   long   eof     out   c3    fail    sync   sig                  tx    rx     err    err
75:  204.0m 293.1m   0      0      0      0      0      0      0    540    447    284    1    0      0    5400      0      0    96


Port  4:
Length 62.5u:   0   (units 10 meters)
Length Cu:   0   (units 1 meter)
Vendor Name: BROCADE
Vendor OUI:  00:05:1e
Vendor PN:   57-0000088-01
Vendor Rev:  A
Wavelength:  850  (units nm)
Options:    003a Loss_of_Sig,Tx_Fault,Tx_Disable
BR Max:    0
BR Min:    0
Serial No:   HAF618230000T4B
RX Power:   -3.0   dBm (501.1uW)
TX Power:   -7.1   dBm (195.8 uW)


  • リンクリセット(LR_OUT)が Fabriclog 出力および offline online  報告されるイベントで報告される

Switch 0; Fri Nov 11 11:23:12 2022 IST (GMT+5:30)
22:52:28.290358 SCN LR_PORT(0);g=0x19ee LR_OUT        A2,P0  A2,P0  75   NA   
23:08:39.902472 SCN LR_PORT(0);g=0x19ee LR_OUT        A2,P0  A2,P0  75   NA   
23:17:38.738930 SCN LR_PORT(0);g=0x19ee LR_OUT        A2,P0  A2,P0  75   NA   
23:22:26.529633 SCN LR_PORT(0);g=0x19ee LR_OUT        A2,P0  A2,P0  75   NA   
23:24:29.226184 SCN LR_PORT(0);g=0x19ee LR_OUT        A2,P0  A2,P0  75   NA   
23:25:11.419546 SCN LR_PORT(0);g=0x19ee LR_OUT        A2,P0  A2,P0  75   NA   
23:25:53.721693 SCN LR_PORT(0);g=0x19ee LR_OUT        A2,P0  A2,P0  75   NA

15:43:33.967361 SCN Port Offline;rsn=0x2,g=0x2e50       A2,P0  A2,P0  78   NA   
15:43:33.967370 *Removing all nodes from port         A2,P0  A2,P0  78   NA   
15:43:34.615134 SCN LR_PORT(0);g=0x2e50            A2,P0  A2,P0  78   NA   
15:43:34.694264 SCN Port Online; g=0x2e50,isolated=0     A2,P0  A2,P1  78   NA   
15:43:34.695063 Port Elp engaged               A2,P1  A2,P0  78   NA   
15:43:34.695079 *Removing all nodes from port         A2,P0  A2,P0  78   NA   
15:43:34.695304 SCN Port F_PORT                A2,P1  A2,P0  78   NA   
15:51:04.900869 SCN Port Offline;rsn=0x4,g=0x2e52       A2,P0  A2,P0  78   NA   
15:51:04.900878 *Removing all nodes from port         A2,P0  A2,P0  78   NA   
15:51:04.913521 SCN LR_PORT(0);g=0x2e52            A2,P0  A2,P0  78   NA   
15:51:04.986758 SCN Port Online; g=0x2e52,isolated=0     A2,P0  A2,P1  78   NA   
15:51:04.986848 Port Elp engaged               A2,P1  A2,P0  78   NA   
15:51:04.986862 *Removing all nodes from port         A2,P0  A2,P0  78   NA   
15:51:04.987210 SCN Port F_PORT                A2,P1  A2,P0  78   NA  

Slot  9/Port 11:
RX Power:   -2.4   dBm (573.4uW)
TX Power:   -1.0   dBm (795.1 uW)

  • errdump ログでは defALL_TARGET_PORTSSTATE_CHG_3  defRD_1stDATA_TIME_11000 、ルールと defRD_STATUS_TIME_12000 ルールが生成され、ポートの状態が1分間に3回以上変化していることを示します。

2023/01/28-16:03:41, [MAPS-1003], 187624, SLOT 1 | FID 128, WARNING, Switch_Name, slot9 port14, F-Port 9/14, Condition=ALL_TARGET_PORTS(STATE_CHG/min>3), Current Value:[STATE_CHG, 4], RuleName=defALL_TARGET_PORTSSTATE_CHG_3, Dashboard Category=Port Health.
2023/01/28-16:04:05, [MAPS-1003], 187625, SLOT 1 | FID 128, WARNING, Switch_Name, slot9 port14, F-Port 9/14, Condition=ALL_OTHER_F_PORTS(STATE_CHG/min>5), Current Value:[STATE_CHG, 6], RuleName=defALL_OTHER_F_PORTSSTATE_CHG_5, Dashboard Category=Port Healt
2023/01/28-16:04:53, [MAPS-1003], 187626, SLOT 1 | FID 128, WARNING, Switch_Name, slot9 port14, F-Port 9/14, Condition=ALL_TARGET_PORTS(STATE_CHG/min>3), Current Value:[STATE_CHG, 4], RuleName=defALL_TARGET_PORTSSTATE_CHG_3, Dashboard Category=Port Health.
2023/04/24-19:37:30(IST)、[MAPS-1003]、 193109、slot 2 | FID 128、warning、Switch_Name、Flow(SID=0x665641、DID=0x663440、ホストポート=10/6)、condition=sys_flow_monitor_scsi(RD_1st data_time/10sec>11000)、 現在の値:[RD_1st data_time、12952マイクロ秒]、RuleName =defRD_1st data_time_11000、Dashboard Category = IO Latency、 待機時間= 10分

2023/04/24-19:37:30 (IST), [MAPS-1003], 193110, SLOT 2 | FID 128, WARNING, Switch_Name, Flow (SID=0x665641,DID=0x663440,Host Port=10/6), Condition=sys_flow_monitor_scsi(RD_STATUS_TIME/10SEC>12000), Current Value:[RD_STATUS_TIME, 12953 Microseconds], RuleName=defRD_STATUS_TIME_12000, Dashboard Category=IO Latency, Quiet Time=10 min.

  • Frame timeout errdump フレームを受信したポート(rx)と送信できないポート(tx)を  link reset イベントとともに示す、スイッチ側のログに報告されるイベント。

2024/02/25-02:26:06 (GMT), [AN-1014], 588, FID 128, INFO, switch, Frame timeout detected, tx port 4 rx port 20, sid 500xx, did 704zz, timestamp 2024-02-25 02:26:06 .
2024/02/25-02:26:07 (GMT), [AN-1014], 608, FID 128, INFO, switch, Frame timeout detected, tx port 4 rx port 0, sid 700xx, did 704zz, timestamp 2024-02-25 02:26:07 .

2024/02/25-02:26:08 (GMT), [C4-1014], 628, CHASSIS | PORT 0/4, WARNING, switch,  Link Reset on Port S0,P4(22) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=6 auto trigger.


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