

Last Updated:


  • Brocade G620スイッチ
  • Brocade G720スイッチ


  • スイッチのステータスが  Brocadeスイッチのerrdump ログオンに従って、変更されましたHEALTHY からCRITICAL に。
  • psshow 出力は、電源装置1に障害があることを示しています。

psshow -v     :
Power Supply #1 is faulty
Power Supply #2 is OK

  • sensorshow 出力はsensor10(power supply) が故障していることを示します。

sensorshow     :
sensor  1: (Temperature) is Ok, value is 33 C
sensor  2: (Temperature) is Ok, value is 41 C
sensor  3: (Temperature) is Ok, value is 37 C
sensor  4: (Temperature) is Ok, value is 36 C
sensor  5: (Temperature) is Ok, value is 37 C
sensor  6: (Temperature) is Ok, value is 32 C
sensor  7: (Temperature) is Ok, value is 56 C
sensor  8: (Fan     ) is Ok,speed is 8141 RPM
sensor  9: (Fan     ) is Ok,speed is 8043 RPM
sensor 10: (Power Supply) is Faulty
sensor 11: (Power Supply) is Ok


  • errdump 出力は、電源装置について報告されている以下のエラーを示しています。

2023/09/17-04:27:09, [EM-1034], 403, CHASSIS, ERROR, BrocadeG620, PS 1 set to faulty, rc=2000e.
2023/09/17-04:28:00, [MAPS-1021], 404, FID 128, WARNING, NSWNT-DC-B, RuleName=defCHASSISBAD_PWR_CRIT, Condition=CHASSIS(BAD_PWR>=1), Obj:Chassis [ BAD_PWR,1] has contributed to switch status CRITICAL.
2023/09/17-04:28:00, [MAPS-1020], 405, FID 128, WARNING, NSWNT-DC-B, Switch wide status has changed from HEALTHY to CRITICAL.


  • PSUとファンの障害に関連する複数のアラートがerrdump に記録されます。

2024/09/18-12:50:25, [EM-1034], 326, CHASSIS, ERROR, BrocadeG720, PS 2 set to faulty, rc=2000e.
2024/09/18-12:50:25, [EM-1034], 327, CHASSIS, ERROR, BrocadeG720, Fan 2 set to faulty, rc=2000e.

2024/09/18-12:50:29, [HIL-1301], 328, CHASSIS, WARNING, BrocadeG720, 1 blower failed or missing. Replace failed or missing blower assembly immediately.
2024/09/18-12:51:23, [MAPS-1021], 329, FID 128, WARNING, BrocadeG720, RuleName=defCHASSISBAD_PWR_CRIT, Condition=CHASSIS(BAD_PWR>=1), Obj:Chassis [ BAD_PWR,1] has contributed to switch status CRITICAL.
2024/09/18-12:51:23, [MAPS-1021], 330, FID 128, WARNING, BrocadeG720, RuleName=defCHASSISBAD_FAN_MARG, Condition=CHASSIS(BAD_FAN>=1), Obj:Chassis [ BAD_FAN,1] has contributed to switch status MARGINAL.
2024/09/18-12:51:23, [MAPS-1020], 331, FID 128, WARNING, BrocadeG720, Switch wide status has changed from HEALTHY to CRITICAL.
2024/09/18-12:56:35, [HIL-1517], 332, CHASSIS, WARNING, BrocadeG720, Fan speed of all the fan FRUs changing to 17400 RPM as per environmental specifications.
2024/09/18-12:56:36, [EM-1037], 333, CHASSIS, INFO, BrocadeG720, Fan 2 is Ok.
2024/09/18-12:56:36, [EM-1037], 335, CHASSIS, INFO, BrocadeG720, PS 2 is Ok.
2024/09/18-12:57:23, [MAPS-1020], 336, FID 128, WARNING, BrocadeG720, Switch wide status has changed from CRITICAL to HEALTHY.
2024/09/18-13:11:48, [HIL-1517], 337, CHASSIS, WARNING, BrocadeG720, Fan speed of all the fan FRUs changing to 12200 RPM as per environmental specification


  • PSUへの電源供給が緩んでいるかどうかを確認します。
  • 電源コードに問題がない場合は、解決策に進みます。

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