
Nexus 9Kスイッチおよびブレークアウトケーブルのクラスタセットアップエラー

Last Updated:


  • クラスタセットアップ設定の初期化
  • Nexus N9K-C9336C-FXスイッチ(10.2(3)、25Gbブレークアウトケーブル×4、RCF 1.8)
  • Nexus N9K-C9336C-FXスイッチ(ブレークアウトインターフェイスなし、RCF 1.6)


  • クラスタ作成時のエラーメッセージ: 
Step 1 of 5: Create a Cluster
You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.
Creating cluster
System start up Jan 01 00:01:00
[node_name-01:monitor.globalStatus.critical:EMERGENCY]: Controller failover of node_name-02 is not possible: Controller Failover takeover disabled.
Starting cluster support services Error: Not all local cluster ports have reachability to one another. Use the "network port reachability show -detail" command for more details. Resolve the issue, then try the command again.
  • ActiveIQ System Managerのメッセージ:
"The partner node details were not found for the node with the following serial number: 012345678910. If all the nodes were not found, then check the node connections, reload the cluster setup wizard, and then try to set up the cluster again."

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