

Last Updated:


  • AFF A900
  • RCF1.11がインストールされたCisco Nexus 9336スイッチ
  • ONTAP 9


  • ノードのリブート後にEMSによって次のアラートが生成され、ストレージポートが ランダムに停止します。

 Health Monitor process nchm:NoPathToNSMA_Alert…

  • [From sysconfig -a, System Storage Configuration]が Quad-Path HA からに変更され Single-Path HA 、e2aがauto-unknown-fd-downになります。

Node: node-1
     NetApp Release 9.14.1P4: Thu Apr 18 11:59:10 EDT 2024
     System ID: XXXXXXXXXX (node-1); partner ID: XXXXXXXXXX (node-2)
     System Serial Number: XXXXXXXXXXXX (node-1)
 System Rev: C0
     System Storage Configuration: Single-Path HA
     System ACP Connectivity: Inband Active
 SAS2/SAS3 Mixed Stack Support: all
     All-Flash Optimized: true
     Capacity Optimized: false
     All SAN Array: false
     Backplane Part Number: 111-02392
     Backplane Rev: C0
     Backplane Serial Number: XXXXXXXXXXXX
     slot 0: System Board 2.2 GHz (System Board XXIX B4)
         Model Name:      AFF-A900
         Part Number: 111-04824
         Revision:       B4
         Serial Number:    XXXXXXXXXXXX
         BIOS version:   18.9
         Loader version:    8.1.0
         Boot Flash:      Primary
         Processors: 64

     slot 2: Dual 40G/100G/200G Ethernet Controller CX6
         e2a MAC Address:   XX:00:XX:11:XX:XX (auto-unknown-fd-down)
   QSFP Vendor:      Amphenol
           QSFP Part Number:   112-00574
           QSFP Serial Number: APFXXXXXXXXXXXX
         e2b MAC Address:   XX:22:XX:33:XX:XX (auto-unknown-fd-down)
           QSFP Vendor:
        QSFP Part Number:
           QSFP Serial Number:
         Device Type:     CX6 PSID(NAP0000000018)
         Firmware Version:   20.30.1004
         Part Number:     111-04739
         Hardware Revision:  A2

  • リブート時に、ストレージポートe2a / e10bでEMSログにリンクの稼働/停止が表示される。

[?] Thu May 09 10:12:45 +0900 [node-1: kernel: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e2a: Link down, check cable.
[?] Thu May 09 10:23:07 +0900 [node-1: kernel: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e10b: Link down, check cable.

[?] Thu May 09 10:12:45 +0900 [node-2: kernel: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e2a: Link down, check cable.
[?] Thu May 09 10:23:07 +0900 [node-2: kernel: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e10b: Link down, check cable.

  • スイッチのログに、接続されているポートから「unsupported」というエラーが表示されますが、Hardware Universeではサポートされていることが確認されています。

[2024-05-09 19:15:36.280] 2024 May 9 01:27:10 switch02 %ETHPORT-5-IF_HARDWARE: Interface Ethernet1/11, hardware type changed to 100G
[2024-05-09 19:15:36.280] 2024 May 9 01:27:10 switch02 %ETHPORT-3-IF_UNSUPPORTED_TRANSCEIVER: Transceiver on interface Ethernet1/11 is not supported
[2024-05-09 19:15:36.311] 2024 May 9 01:27:11 switch02 %ETHPORT-5-IF_HARDWARE: Interface Ethernet1/12, hardware type changed to 100G
[2024-05-09 19:15:36.311] 2024 May 9 01:27:11 switch02 %ETHPORT-3-IF_UNSUPPORTED_TRANSCEIVER: Transceiver on interface Ethernet1/12 is not supported
[2024-05-09 19:21:17.984] 2024-05-09T09:02:43.200667000+00:00 [M 1] [ethpm] E_DEBUG Ifindex (Ethernet1/12)0x1a000000, SFP security check: unsupported vendor id 0x54
[2024-05-09 19:21:18.001] 2024-05-09T09:02:37.697065000+00:00 [M 1] [ethpm] E_DEBUG Ifindex (Ethernet1/11)0x1a000000, SFP security check: unsupported vendor id 0x54


  • storage port show は、リブート後に一方のストレージポートがランダムに停止したことを示しています。

                    Speed            VLAN
 Node         Port Type  Mode   (Gb/s) State   Status    ID
 ------------------ ---- ----- ------- ------ -------- --------- ----
           e10a ENET  network    - -     -       -
           e10b ENET  storage   100 enabled  online    30
           e11a ENET  network    - -     -       -
           e11b ENET  network    - -     -       -
           e2a  ENET  storage    0 enabled  offline   30
           e2b  ENET  network    - -     -       -
           e10a ENET  network    - -     -       -
           e10b ENET  storage   100 enabled  online    30
           e11a ENET  network    - -     -       -
           e11b ENET  network    - -     -       -
           e2a  ENET  storage   100 enabled  online    30
           e2b  ENET  network    - -     -       -
12 entries were displayed.

  • ifstatにエラー/破棄は Up to down 表示されませんが、フラッピングが8回発生したことを示しています。 

-- interface  e2a  (1 day, 20 hours, 12 minutes, 38 seconds) --

 Total frames:    5938  | Frames/second:     0  | Total bytes:    1721k
 Bytes/second:     11  | Total errors:     0  | Errors/minute:     0
 Total discards:    0  | Discards/minute:    0  | Multi/broadcast:  4773
 Non-primary u/c:    0  | Errored frames:    0  | Unsupported Op:    0
 CRC errors:      0  | Runt frames:      0  | Fragment:       0
 Long frames:      0  | Jabber:        0  | Length errors:     0
 Alignment errors:   0  | No buffer:       0  | Pause:         0
 Jumbo:         0  | Error symbol:     0  | Bus overruns:     0
 Queue drops:      0  | LRO segments:     0  | LRO bytes:       0
 LRO6 segments:    887  | LRO6 bytes:     122k | Bad UDP cksum:     0
 Bad UDP6 cksum:    0  | Bad TCP cksum:     0  | Bad TCP6 cksum:    0
 Mcast v6 solicit: 3691  | Lagg errors:      0  | Lacp errors:      0
 Lacp PDU errors:    0
 Total frames:    2420  | Frames/second:     0  | Total bytes:     242k
 Bytes/second:     2  | Total errors:     0  | Errors/minute:     0
 Total discards:    0  | Queue overflow:    0  | Multi/broadcast:   950
 Collisions:      0  | Pause:         0  | Jumbo:         0
 Cfg Up to Downs:    2  | TSO segments:     0  | TSO bytes:       0
 TSO6 segments:     0  | TSO6 bytes:      0  | HW UDP cksums:     0
 HW UDP6 cksums:   105k | HW TCP cksums:     0  | HW TCP6 cksums:   1413
 Mcast v6 solicit:  106k | Lagg drops:      0  | Lagg no buffer:    0
 Lagg no entries:    0
 Mcast addresses:    7  | Rx MBuf Sz:     9216
 Speed:        100G | Duplex:       full | Flowcontrol:     none
 Media state:    active | Up to downs:      8 | HW assist:      514k

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