
Brocade スイッチソフトウェアのエラーでカーネルパニックが発生する

Last Updated:


  • Brocadeスイッチ
  • SAN


  • Brocadeスイッチが予期せずリブートされたか到達できません
  • コマンド errdump -a から次の情報が報告されます。

Brocade6505, Processor rebooted - Software Fault:Kernel Panic
2023/12/31-23:03:00 (IST), [HAM-1004], 1695212, SLOT 2 | CHASSIS, INFO, switch, Processor rebooted - Software Fault:Kernel Panic.
2023/12/31-23:02:25 (IST), [EM-1033], 1695145, SLOT 1 | CHASSIS, ERROR, switch, CP in Slot 2 set to faulty because CP ERROR asserted.
2023/12/31-23:02:25 (IST), [EM-1047], 1695146, SLOT 1 | CHASSIS, INFO, switch, CP in slot 2 not faulty, CP ERROR deasserted.
2023/12/31-23:01:44 (IST), [FSSM-1003], 1695133, SLOT 1 | CHASSIS, WARNING, switch, HA State out of sync.
2023/12/31-23:01:47 (IST), [ESM-3000], 1695134, SLOT 1 | FID 128, INFO, switch, Warm Recovery starting.
2023/12/31-23:01:47 (IST), [ESM-3001], 1695135, SLOT 1 | FID 128, INFO, switch, Warm Recovery complete.

  • 以下の FCPH 関連のエラーも確認されました。

2023/12/31-23:02:41:88xx01 (IST), [FCPH-1014], 188xx45/1695209, SLOT 1 | FID 128, WARNING, switch, FC Protocol Error: INVALID SEQ ID - fc(0) port=330 iu=0x7cxxxc0 nfr=1 tp=0x20 fctl=0x290xxx seqid=0 seqc=0 xid=0x8c2e oxrxid=0x100xxxff sid=0x66c2c1 did=0xffxxxc, OID:0x410xcxc0, SPOID:0x410xxx00, input.c, line: 2471, comp:SWITCH_0, ltime:2023/12/31-23:02:41:88xxx2
2023/12/31-23:02:43:07xx97 (IST), [FCPH-1014], 188xx46/1695210, SLOT 1 | FID 128, WARNING, switch, FC Protocol Error: INVALID SEQ ID - fc(0) port=346 iu=0x781xxx40 nfr=1 tp=0x20 fctl=0x290xxx seqid=0 seqc=0 xid=0x803d oxrxid=0x100xxxff sid=0x66d2c2 did=0xffxxc, OID:0x410xcxc0, SPOID:0x410xxx00, input.c, line: 2471, comp:SWITCH_0, ltime:2023/12/31-23:02:43:073xxx


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