DR 設定のレプリケーションに失敗しました: Data - FPolicy クライアントをサービスポリシーに追加できません
- 2ノードMetroCluster
- 自動無停止アップグレード(ANDU)
- ONTAP 9.8
2ノードMetroClusterの最初のノードをONTAP 9.8以降にアップグレードしたあと、次のようなエラーが表示されます。
Cluster : ClusterA Vserver : vs-cifs01 Partner Vserver : vs-cifs01-mc Configuration State : degraded Stream Status : processing-task Failed Row : Table Name: vs_service_policies_view, Operation: get, Fields: vs-cifs01-mc default-data-blocks data-core data-iscsi data-fpolicy-client - "data-core:" "data-iscsi:" "data-fpolicy-client:" 7 - true Failed Reason : Apply failed for Object: vs_service_policies_view Method: baseline. Reason: Internal error. Failed to update service policy "default-data-blocks". Reason: Service "data-fpolicy-client" cannot be added to service policy "default-data-blocks" because the service is not known to the cluster. Use the "network interface service show" command to review available services. Use the "network interface service-policy show" command to review the state of the policy. Retry the command, if necessary. Last apply fail time : 3/29/2020 12:25:41