- Views:
- 19
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- Category:
- metrocluster
- Specialty:
- brocade<a>翻訳対象:2009240815</a><a />
- Last Updated:
- MetroCluster FC
- Brocadeスイッチ6510
- スイッチのアップグレード
- アップグレード中にスイッチの問題 が原因で冗長性が低下します
- でカーネルパニックが報告されました
errdump -a:
2022/07/17-22:17:24, 5137, CHASSIS, INFO, Brocade6510, Processor rebooted - Software Fault:Kernel Panic.
- スイッチで報告されたエラー:
firmwareshow -v : Appl Primary/Secondary Versions ------------------------------------------ FOS v8.1.0b Unknown WARNING: Firmwaredownload is in progress. tart Autoneg ^HH^HInstalling Linux 2.6 Kernel Attempting to find a root file system on hda1... ^H^HH^H^H^HH^HH^H^HH^HINIT: ^H^HH^Hversion 2.78 booting^H^HH^H ^H^HH^H^H^HH^H^H^HH^HBypassing firmware validation. --- Partition /dev/hda2 is inconsistent. --- Its content will be restored to be the same as that of /dev/hda1. --- Please check the version and re-load firmware if necessary after the system boots up. ^H^HH^H^H^HH^HINIT: ^H^HH^HEntering runlevel: 3^H^HH^H ^H^HH^HBinding Shell with Loopback address Enabling FOS failure detection feature enable fabos log Starting Fabric OS Services... FIPS off, RRD... Found 2(threshold 5) abnormal reboots within 3000 seconds window(threshold) Enter trace_initialize fablog module loaded with mtracer! pdcheck: info: found new pd: mtd_ts=1658124856 DIE Sun Jul 17 22:14:16 2022, cf_ts=1658124467 sys_chip_init: class 0 max 24 Done ethsw_ha_enabled = 1 uptime: 4293890629; sup_qid: 0