
MetroCluster Brocade G620スイッチのログインエラー

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  • ファブリックMetroCluster
  • ONTAP 9
  • Brocade G620スイッチ


  • SSHまたはコンソールによるスイッチへのログインに失敗し、ユーザ名を入力できますが、パスワードプロンプトは返されません。
  • コンソール経由で接続すると、次のエラーが表示されます。
switch01 login: admin error on file open (2): /etc/fabos/config/vf-conf webd -S fcsw execl failed errno: 2 errstr:No such file or directory 2023/02/17-09:13:40, [SEC-1334], 637990, FID 128, INFO, switch01, SSH Daemon is restarted. EXT4-fs error (device sda1): ext4_find_entry:1457: inode #51: comm init: reading directory lblock 0 EXT4-fs error (device sda1): ext4_find_entry:1457: inode #50: comm init: reading directory lblock 0 EXT4-fs error (device sda1): ext4_find_entry:1457: inode #7393: comm init: reading directory lblock 0 INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty" INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty" INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty" INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty" INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty" INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty" INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty" INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty" INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty" INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty" INIT: Id "co" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel error on file open (2): /etc/fabos/config/vf-conf webd -S fcsw execl failed errno: 2 errstr:No such file or directory 2023/02/17-09:14:10, [SEC-1334], 637991, FID 128, INFO, switch01, SSH Daemon is restarted.

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