FCVI ポート上の物理リンクが停止しています
- ファブリックMetroCluster
- FC-VI アダプタ
- ONTAP から次のアラートが報告されています:
Cluster ::> system health alert show
Node: Node1
Resource: fcvi_device_3
Probable Cause: Physical link on port 5a is offline.
Possible Effect: DR protection of NVRAM mirror might be compromised.
- イベントログに物理リンクがダウンしていることが示されています。
[fcvi.update.link.state:notice]: FC-VI adapter: Physical link is down on port 5a.
[fcvi.qlgc.receive.error:error]: FC-VI adapter: Received bad frame on port 5a. Mailbox-1 = 4105, Mailbox-2 = 69. Resetting the port.
[NodeA: Notice] ispfcvi2500_port2 fcvi update link state: link_state="down" port="0f"
[NodeA: Notice] ispfcvi2500_port2 fcvi link down: alertId="InterconnectAdapterOfflineAlert" alertingResource="5000000000000000" alertingResourceName="0f" possibleEffect="DR protection of NVRAM mirror might be compromised." probableCause="Cable_tamper" probableCauseDescription="Physical link on port 0f is offline." additionalInfo="None"
- sysconfig -aで、FC-VIポートが停止していると報告されました。
::> system node run -node * -command sysconfig -a ... slot 0: FCVI Host Adapter 0e (QLogic 8324(2672) rev. 2, unknown) Physical link: DOWN FC Node Name: 50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Firmware rev: 8.01.141 Serial No: (null) Host Port Id: 0xffffffff FC Packet size: 2048 SFP Vendor: FINISAR CORP. SFP Part Number: FTLF8529P4BCVAN1 SFP Serial Number: 0000000 SFP Capabilities: 4, 8 or 16 Gbit SFP Wavelength: 850nm ...
- FC-VIポートに接続されたスイッチポートがNo_Light:
Switch-A1:admin> switchshow switchName: Switch-A1 ... Index Port Address Media Speed State Proto ================================================== ... 1 1 050100 id 16G No_Light FC (POD license not assigned or reserved yet) ...
- FC-VIアダプタのリンクステータスが「停止」です。
Cluster::> metrocluster interconnect adapter show -node node1 -adapter fcvi_device_1 -instance
Adapter Name: fcvi_device_1
Adapter Type: FC-VI
Link Status: Down
- SFPはRX電力が非常に低いことを示しています。
Switch-A1:admin> switchshow switchName: Switch-A1 ... Index Port Address Media Speed State Proto ================================================== ... 1 1 050100 id 16G No_Light FC (POD license not assigned or reserved yet) ... Switch-A1:admin> sfpshow 1 ============= Port 1: ============= ... RX Power: -34.0 dBm (0.4 uW) TX Power: -2.3 dBm (594.8 uW)