
MetroCluster IPインストール中にe0aポートフラッピングが発生しました

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • MetroCluster IPのインストール
  • AFF-A800
  • X65405 100Gb光トランシーバ
  • Cisco 9336スイッチ


  • MetroCluster IPセットアップ時のe0aポートフラッピング(クラスタLIF):
::> run local ifconfig -a:
-- interface e0a (12 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 46 seconds) -- RECEIVE Total frames: 2524m | Frames/second: 2379 | Total bytes: 21914g Bytes/second: 20655k | Total errors: 5 | Errors/minute: 0 Total discards: 0 | Discards/minute: 0 | Multi/broadcast: 474k Non-primary u/c: 0 | CRC errors: 0 | Long frames: 5 Jabber: 0 | Length errors: 0 | No buffer: 0 Pause: 0 | Jumbo: 2434m | Error symbol: 0 Bus overruns: 0 | LRO segments: 527m | LRO bytes: 21771g LRO6 segments: 0 | LRO6 bytes: 0 | Bad UDP cksum: 0 Bad UDP6 cksum: 0 | Bad TCP cksum: 0 | Bad TCP6 cksum: 0 Mcast v6 solicit: 0 | Lagg errors: 0 | Lacp errors: 0 Lacp PDU errors: 0 TRANSMIT Total frames: 730m | Frames/second: 689 | Total bytes: 166g Bytes/second: 157k | Total errors: 0 | Errors/minute: 0 Total discards: 0 | Queue overflow: 0 | Multi/broadcast: 90205 Collisions: 0 | Pause: 0 | Jumbo: 13424k Cfg Up to Downs: 2 | TSO segments: 3591k | TSO bytes: 88063m TSO6 segments: 0 | TSO6 bytes: 0 | HW UDP cksums: 37193 HW UDP6 cksums: 0 | HW TCP cksums: 722m | HW TCP6 cksums: 0 Mcast v6 solicit: 0 | Lagg drops: 0 | Lagg no buffer: 0 Lagg no entries: 0 DEVICE Mcast addresses: 2 | Rx MBuf Sz: 4096 LINK INFO Speed: 100G | Duplex: full | Flowcontrol: none Media state: active | Up to downs: 75 | HW assist: 5655
  • 多数のリンクアップ/ダウンイベントを示すイベントログ:
Tue Dec 13 23:37:20 +0100 [srv01fas31: intr: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link down, check cable. Tue Dec 13 23:37:30 +0100 [srv01fas31: intr: netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link up. Tue Dec 13 23:39:28 +0100 [srv01fas31: intr: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link down, check cable. Tue Dec 13 23:39:38 +0100 [srv01fas31: intr: netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link up. Tue Dec 13 23:55:02 +0100 [srv01fas31: intr: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link down, check cable. Tue Dec 13 23:55:12 +0100 [srv01fas31: intr: netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link up.
  • e0aで使用されるトランシーバは332-00440(X65405): 

::> run local sysconfig -a:

slot 0: Dual 40/100G Ethernet T62100-MEZZ e0a MAC Address: d0:39:ea:12:34:56 (auto-100g_sr4-fd-up) QSFP Vendor: FINISAR CORP QSFP Part Number: 332-00440 QSFP Serial Number: 1234567

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