
「 chassis power degraded : Power Supply Status Critical 」という警告メッセージが表示されます

Last Updated:


FAS 8020

FAS 8060


に、次のメッセージを示します EMS-LOG-FILE.GZ

Jan 03 05:47:28 JST [node_name: sp_config_main: spmgmt.driver.timeout:warning]: The software driver for the Service Processor (SP) detected a problem: Unable to update SP network information at this time.
Jan 03 05:50:31 JST [node_name: env_mgr: monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded:notice]: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Temperature is Critical Low (0 C)
Jan 03 05:50:31 JST [node_name: env_mgr: monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded:notice]: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Fan1 Speed is Critical Low (2100 RPM)
Jan 03 05:50:31 JST [node_name: env_mgr: monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded:notice]: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Fan2 Speed is Critical Low (0 RPM)
Jan 03 05:50:34 JST [node_name: power_low_monitor: monitor.chassisPower.degraded:warning]: Chassis power is degraded: Power Supply Status Critical.
Jan 03 05:50:34 JST [node_name: power_low_monitor: callhome.chassis.power:error]: Call home for CHASSIS POWER DEGRADED: Power Supply Status Critical.

PSU1 TempPSU1 Fan Speed でも、では正常です ENVIRONMENT

Sensor Name              State          Current    Critical     Warning     Warning    Critical
                                        Reading       Low         Low         High       High
PSU1 need replacement                       NO
PSU1 State                                GOOD
PSU1 Temp                normal            17 C         0 C         5 C        50 C        60 C
PSU1 Fan1 Speed          normal         10700 RPM    4500 RPM    4600 RPM      --          --
PSU1 Fan2 Speed          normal          9600 RPM    4500 RPM    4600 RPM      --          --


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