

Last Updated:




  • ActiveIQのリスク:
A shelf component is in a non-normal state.
Potential Impact:
Depending on which component is in a non-normal state, the result can lead to an unplanned outage.
Shelf 2 on adapter 0a is reporting errors on the following component(s); Bay 0.
  • SYSCONFIG-A AutoSupport のセクション:
 slot 0: SAS Host Adapter 0a (PMC-Sierra PM8070 rev. C, SAS, <UP>) ... 01.0 : NETAPP X477_HAKPE04TA07 NA01 3807.8GB 520B/sect (xxxxxxxx) ... 01.11: NETAPP X477_HAKPE04TA07 NA01 3807.8GB 520B/sect (xxxxxxxx) 02.1 : NETAPP X477_HAKPE04TA07 NA01 3807.8GB 520B/sect (xxxxxxxx) << disk 02.0 missing 
  • SAS-EXPANDER-PHY-STATE AutoSupport のセクション:
Expander phy state on 0a.2 (NETAPP  :DS21212IOM12A    SHJHU1704000088):

Pwr         Invald Disprt Loss   Phy    CRC    Phy
Pwr Ccl Rsv Rls DWord  Error  Sync   Reset  Error  Change SATA
PHY/BAY STATE             ON  Cnt Cnt Cnt Count  Count  Count  Prob   Cnt    Cnt    Affiliation
------- ----------------- --- --- --- --- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----------------
0/P0:0 12.0 Gb/s         --- --- --- --- 0      0      0      0      0      1      ----------------
1/P0:1 12.0 Gb/s         --- --- --- --- 0      0      0      0      0      1      ----------------
2/P0:2 12.0 Gb/s         --- --- --- --- 0      0      0      0      0      1      ----------------
3/P0:3 12.0 Gb/s         --- --- --- --- 0      0      0      0      0      1      ----------------
4/P1:0 Disabled
5/P1:1 Disabled
6/P1:2 Disabled
7/P1:3 Disabled
8/P2:0 12.0 Gb/s         --- --- --- --- 0      0      0      0      0      1      ----------------
9/P2:1 12.0 Gb/s         --- --- --- --- 0      0      0      0      0      1      ----------------
10/P2:2 12.0 Gb/s         --- --- --- --- 0      0      0      0      0      1      ----------------
11/P2:3 12.0 Gb/s         --- --- --- --- 0      0      0      0      0      1      ----------------
12/P3:0 Disabled
13/P3:1 Disabled
14/P3:2 Disabled
15/P3:3 Disabled
16/0    Rate unknown      YES 5   0   0

  • STORAGE-FAULT AutoSupport のセクション:
Enclosure Status: non-critical
Channel: 0a
Shelf: 2
Shelf Type: DS212-12
Product Serial Number: SHJHU1704000088
Module Type: IOM12

Disk Elements:
Element Status                  Status Bytes  Status Descriptions
0 [Bay  0]: NONCRITICAL       03,00,00,00
  • ベイ0のディスクは既に2度交換済みです

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