

Last Updated:


  • FAS8200
  • ONTAP 9
  • サービス プロセッサ(SP)


  • スケジュールされたシャットダウンについては、no-takeoverオプションを使用してシステムを停止します。


Sun Apr 16 08:01:09 JST [node-02: svc_queue_thread: clam.notify.halt.result:debug]: CLAM was able to notify its HA partner node that the local node is undergoing a planned shutdown (reason: Local node shutting down). Error: 0
Sun Apr 16 08:01:55 JST [node-02: cf_main: cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:error]: Failover monitor: takeover of node-01 disabled (partner halted in notakeover mode).
Sun Apr 16 08:07:39 JST [node-02: vifmgr: callhome.clus.net.degraded:alert]: Call home for CLUSTER NETWORK DEGRADED: Cluster LIF Not Assigned to Any Port - Cluster LIF node-02_clus1 (node node-02) is not assigned to any port.

  • ブート後、システムnode-01をブートできないため、SPを使用してシステムの電源を再投入しようとしましたが、BIOS POSTエラーが原因で起動できません。


SP node-01> system power cycle
This command will trigger a destage
of ONTAP and will take some time to complete after which the system will restart. Use "system reset" or "system reset current" to
avoid the delay. Continue? [y/n] y

SP node-01> system console
Type Ctrl-D to exit.
Loading Device Drivers ...
Devices ...

CPU = 1 Processor(s) Detected.
  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU D-1587 @ 1.70GHz (CPU 0)
  CPUID: 0x00050664. Cores per
Processor = 16
65536 MB System RAM Installed.

Boot Loader version 6.0 
Copyright (C)
2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
Portions Copyright (C) 2002-2016 NetApp, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

BIOS POST Failure(s) detected:
PCIe device missing error detected. Abort AUTOBOOT

  • node-01のサービスが停止しているため、node-01から強制的にテイクオーバーします。

::> set -privilege advanced
::*> storage failover takeover -option force -ofnode node-01 -skip-lif-migration-before-takeover true

  • テイクオーバー後、サービスがリカバリされ、node-01のステータスがWaiting for givebackになります。
  • node-02からギブバックを実行しますが、そのあとにスロットのステータスが正しく設定されていないと AllPathToOneEndOfStack_Alert が表示されます。

Node node-02
Monitor node-connect
Alert ID AllPathToOneEndOfStack_Alert
Alerting Resource 1
Subsystem SAS-connect
Indication Time Mon May 01 09:25:02 2023
Perceived Severity Major
Probable Cause Cable_tamper
Description Controller node-02 is connected to only one end of stack 1 through disk shelf 1.20.
Corrective Actions 1. Consult the guide applicable to your IOM6 disk shelf to review cabling rules and complete the SAS cabling worksheet for your system.
2. Connect controller node-02 to the first and last disk shelves of stack 1.
3. Verify that controller node-02 is cabled to IOM A and IOM B of stack 1.
4. Contact technical support if the alert persists.

Possible Effect A single disk shelf failure within stack 1 might cause controller node-02 to lose access to multiple shelves in the stack.

  • sysconfig -ac問題 が発生する前の"":

sysconfig: slot 1 OK: X2071A: 4x12Gb miniSAS HD HBA (PM8072)
sysconfig: slot 2 OK: X1049C: PCI-E Quad 10/100/1000 Ethernet 82580(v3.29 and above)
sysconfig: slot 3 OK: X3311A: Samsung M.2 1TB NVMe Drive
sysconfig: No shelf configuration errors detected.
sysconfig: There are no configuration errors.

  • sysconfig -ac問題 が発生する前の"":

sysconfig: Samsung M.2 1TB NVMe Drive card (PN X3311A) in slot 1 must be in one of these slots: 3,4.
sysconfig: No shelf configuration errors detected.


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