- スイッチログ収集ログインに失敗したことを示すヘルスアラートがシステムに送信されます。
Alert ID: SwitchAccess_Alert
Subsystem Switch-Health
Probable Cause Login_attempts_failed
Corrective Actions
1) To set up public SSH key authentication on the cluster switch,
run the "system cluster-switch log setup-password" command.
ONTAP requires one-time use of the cluster switch's administrative login credentials
to set up the public SSH key for ONTAP access.
The administrative credentials will be discarded after the setup command is complete.
2) If public SSH key authentication is already configured, log in to the cluster switch
with administrative credentials from an SSH host or serial console to investigate the login failures.
3) To disable tech-support log collection, run the "system cluster-switch log disable-collection" command