

Last Updated:


  • FAS2820
  • FAS2720
  • FAS2750
  • フル実装した内蔵シェルフ(12ディスク)
  • フル実装した外付けシェルフDS212-C(12ディスク)
  • 内蔵シェルフと外付けシェルフの共有ディスクを使用するデータアグリゲート
  • 内蔵シェルフに使用可能なスペアドライブがありません


  • 両方のノードが raid.disk.replace.job.failed 同じ内部スペアディスクを使用しようとすると、次のメッセージを報告します。
[node_name-01: mgwd: raid.disk.replace.job.start:debug]: Starting disk replacement of disk 2.2.7 with disk 2.1.10.
[node_name-01: mgwd: raid.disk.replace.job.failed:debug]: Failed to replace disk 2.2.7 with disk 2.1.10. Reason: Reserve: Unable to reserve disks on target node node_name-02.
[node_name-01: mgwd: mgmtgwd.jobmgr.jobcomplete.failure:debug]: Job "Disk Replace:2.2.7" [id 55] (Disk Replace) completed unsuccessfully: Reserve: Unable to reserve disks on target node node_name-02 (1).
[node_name-01: mgwd: raid.disk.replace.job.start:debug]: Starting disk replacement of disk 2.2.7 with disk 2.1.10.

[node_name-02: config_thread: raid.rg.spares.low:debug]: /data_aggr-2/plex0/rg0
[node_name-02: config_thread: callhome.spares.low:debug]: Call home for SPARES_LOW: /data_aggr-2/plex0/rg0
[node_name-02: mgwd: raid.disk.replace.job.start:notice]: Starting disk replacement of disk 2.2.8 with disk 2.1.10.
[node_name-02: mgwd: raid.disk.replace.job.failed:error]: Failed to replace disk 2.2.8 with disk 2.1.10. Reason: Reserve: Unable to reserve disks on target node node_name-02.
[node_name-02: mgwd: mgmtgwd.jobmgr.jobcomplete.failure:info]: Job "Disk Replace:2.2.8" [id 54] (Disk Replace) completed unsuccessfully: Reserve: Unable to reserve disks on target node node_name-02 (1).
[node_name-02: mgwd: raid.disk.replace.job.start:notice]: Starting disk replacement of disk 2.2.8 with disk 2.1.10.
  • RAID LM 両方のノードで継続的にレポートされるログ:

...: ksmfContainerDiskReplace run -disk 2.2.7 -allow-mixing true -reason layout_optimization -replacement 2.1.10: succeeded
...: 2.2.7 needs to be copied to an internal disk.
...: 2.2.1 needs to be copied to an internal disk.
...: 2.2.5 needs to be copied to an internal disk.
...: 2.2.9 needs to be copied to an internal disk.
...: 2.2.3 needs to be copied to an internal disk.
...: ksmfContainerDiskReplace run  -disk 2.2.7 -allow-mixing true -reason layout_optimization -replacement 2.1.10: succeeded

...: ksmfContainerDiskReplace run -disk 2.2.8 -allow-mixing true -reason layout_optimization -replacement 2.1.10: succeeded
...: 2.2.8 needs to be copied to an internal disk.
...: 2.2.2 needs to be copied to an internal disk.
...: 2.2.0 needs to be copied to an internal disk.
...: 2.2.6 needs to be copied to an internal disk.
...: 2.2.4 needs to be copied to an internal disk.
...: 2.2.10 needs to be copied to an internal disk.
...: ksmfContainerDiskReplace run -disk 2.2.8 -allow-mixing true -reason layout_optimization -replacement 2.1.10: succeeded

  • 両方のノードが 同じドライブの所有権を取得しようとしています。

[node_name-01: sanown_io: diskown_changingOwner_1:debug]: params: {'diskname': '0c.01.10P1', 'serialno': '0AB12C3DEP001', 'oldownername': 'node_name-01', 'oldownerid': '111111111', 'oldhomeownerid': '111111111', 'olddrhomeownerid': '222222222', 'newownername': 'node_name-02', 'newownerid': '538302348', 'newhomeownerid': '538302348', 'newdrhomeownerid': '222222222', 'thread': 'svc_queue_thread', 'APIname': 'zapi_disk_sanown_assign'}
[node_name-01: sanown_io: diskown_changingOwner_1:debug]: params: {'diskname': '0c.01.10P1', 'serialno': '0AB12C3DEP001', 'oldownername': 'node_name-01', 'oldownerid': '111111111', 'oldhomeownerid': '111111111', 'olddrhomeownerid': '222222222', 'newownername': 'node_name-02', 'newownerid': '538302348', 'newhomeownerid': '538302348', 'newdrhomeownerid': '222222222', 'thread': 'svc_queue_thread', 'APIname': 'zapi_disk_sanown_assign'}

[node_name-02: sanown_io: diskown_changingOwner_1:notice]: params: {'newdrhomeownerid': '222222222', 'diskname': '0c.01.10P1', 'APIname': 'zapi_disk_sanown_assign', 'thread': 'svc_queue_thread', 'serialno': '0AB12C3DEP001', 'oldhomeownerid': '538302348', 'newownername': 'node_name-01', 'newownerid': '111111111', 'oldownerid': '538302348', 'oldownername': 'node_name-02', 'newhomeownerid': '111111111', 'olddrhomeownerid': '222222222'}
[node_name-02: sanown_io: diskown_changingOwner_1:notice]: params: {'newdrhomeownerid': '222222222', 'diskname': '0c.01.10P1', 'APIname': 'zapi_disk_sanown_assign', 'thread': 'svc_queue_thread', 'serialno': '0AB12C3DEP001', 'oldhomeownerid': '538302348', 'newownername': 'node_name-01', 'newownerid': '111111111', 'oldownerid': '538302348', 'oldownername': 'node_name-02', 'newhomeownerid': '111111111', 'olddrhomeownerid': '222222222'}

  • SYSCONFIG -R は、の出力に示されている、該当するディスクの別の所有権を示しています。 storage disk show -partition-ownership.
    • SYSCONFIG -R 表示内容:


      Pool0 spare disks

      RAID Disk   Device     HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
      ---------   ------     ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
      Spare disks for block checksum
      spare     0b.01.10P2   0b    1   11  SA:A   0  FSAS  7200 63849/130764288   63857/130780672 (fast zeroed)
      spare     0b.01.10P1   0b    1   11  SA:A   0  FSAS  7200 3743930/7667569664 3743938/7667586048 (fast zeroed)

    • 出力 storage disk show -partition-ownership

::> storage disk show -partition-ownership -disk 2.1.10
Disk     Partition Home              Owner             Home ID     Owner ID
-------- --------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------- -----------
2.1.10   Container node_name-01      node_name-01      5xxxxxxx1   5xxxxxxx1
         Root      node_name-01      node_name-01      5xxxxxxx1   5xxxxxxx1
        Data      node_name-02     node_name-02      5xxxxxxx2   5xxxxxxx2


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