
DS460Cでは、IOMによってhost_port_fail - Disabledと報告されます

Last Updated:


  • DS460C(DS460-12)
  • IOM12


  • EMSレポートHOST_PORT_FAIL - IOMによって無効化
12/23/2022 09:00:00 node-02 ALERT    monitor.shelf.fault: Critical fault reported on disk storage shelf attached to channel 0b. Check fans, power supplies, disks, and temperature sensors.
12/23/2022 09:00:00 node-02 INFORMATIONAL kern.uptime.filer:  9:00am up 259 days, 23:42 96 NFS ops, 0 CIFS ops, 0 HTTP ops, 0 FCP ops, 0 iSCSI ops, 0 NVMF ops
12/23/2022 09:00:00 node-03 INFORMATIONAL kern.uptime.filer:  9:00am up 259 days, 22:34 93 NFS ops, 0 CIFS ops, 0 HTTP ops, 0 FCP ops, 0 iSCSI ops, 0 NVMF ops
12/23/2022 09:00:00 node-04 INFORMATIONAL kern.uptime.filer:  9:00am up 259 days, 22:57 2535283 NFS ops, 0 CIFS ops, 0 HTTP ops, 0 FCP ops, 0 iSCSI ops, 0 NVMF ops
12/23/2022 08:49:27 node-02 ALERT    ses.shelf.drwr.phy.rateunkwn: Drive shelf 20, module B, drawer 2, PHY 0 is reporting an unknown link rate.
12/23/2022 08:40:13 node-01 ALERT    ses.shelf.drwr.phy.rateunkwn: Drive shelf 20, module B, drawer 2, PHY 0 is reporting an unknown link rate.
12/23/2022 08:38:32 node-02 INFORMATIONAL noderun.login.success: 'admin' logged in from cluster: 'cluster'.
12/23/2022 08:37:34 node-01 INFORMATIONAL noderun.login.success: 'admin' logged in from cluster: 'cluster'.
12/23/2022 08:34:15 node-02 ALERT    callhome.hostport.disable: Call home for HOST_PORT_FAIL - Disabled by IOM
12/23/2022 08:34:15 node-02 ALERT    ds.sas.hostphy.disableErr: Port [DCM2-1] on channels 0c shelf ID 20 IOM B disabled due to excessive phy changes.     
12/23/2022 08:33:57 node-02 INFORMATIONAL sas.adapter.debug: adapterName="0a", debug_string="Asyncd device scan done."
  • storage fault showでDCMが失敗する
Drawers Control Module:
Element Status            Status Bytes  Status Descriptions
1 [IOM12 A]   : OK         01,00,01,00  REPORT
2 [IOM12 A]   : OK         01,00,01,00  REPORT
3 [IOM12 A]   : OK         01,00,01,00  REPORT
4 [IOM12 A]   : OK         01,00,01,00  REPORT
5 [IOM12 A]   : OK         01,00,01,00  REPORT
6 [IOM12 B]   : OK         01,00,01,00  REPORT
7 [IOM12 B]   : CRITICAL      02,40,00,00  FAIL
8 [IOM12 B]   : OK         01,00,01,00  REPORT
9 [IOM12 B]   : OK         01,00,01,00  REPORT
10 [IOM12 B]   : OK         01,00,01,00  REPORT
Vendor Unique Element 83-IOM12: (SAS)
Element Status     Status Bytes  Status Descriptions
1 [IOM12 A]   : OK         01,08,00,20  MASTER, RESERVED
2 [IOM12 B]   : OK         01,00,00,20  RESERVED

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