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  • L2 watchdogタイムアウトのハードリセット後にシステムをブートできない。

Record 160: Tue Jun  2 17:51:15 2020 [IPMI Event.critical]: NMI
Record 161: Tue Jun  2 17:51:16 2020 [IPMI.notice]: ef03 | 02 | EVT: 0301ffff | Controller_Fault | Assertion Event, "State Asserted"
Record 162: Tue Jun  2 17:51:16 2020 [IPMI Event.critical]: L2 watchdog timeout hard reset
Record 163: Tue Jun  2 17:51:17 2020 [IPMI.notice]: f003 | 02 | EVT: 6fc104ff | System_Watchdog | Assertion Event, "Hard reset"
Record 164: Tue Jun  2 17:52:17 2020 [IPMI Event.critical]: System reset
Record 165: Tue Jun  2 17:52:17 2020 [IPMI Event.critical]: L2 watchdog action completed
Record 166: Tue Jun  2 17:52:17 2020 [IPMI.notice]: L2 to L1 is 1(s) 106658(us)
Record 167: Tue Jun  2 17:52:29 2020 [SP.notice]: Delaying L2_WDOG ASUP email for 120 seconds
Record 168: Tue Jun  2 17:54:34 2020 [ASUP.notice]: First notification email | (REBOOT (watchdog reset)) CRITICAL | Sent
Record 169: Tue Jun  2 17:59:31 2020 [SP.critical]: Heartbeat stopped
Record 170: Tue Jun  2 18:03:07 2020 [ASUP.notice]: Reminder email | (REBOOT (watchdog reset)) CRITICAL | Sent

  • 複数のセンサーステータス system sensors が出力から読み取り不能です。

Sensor Name      | Current    | Unit       | Status     | LCR       | LNC       | UNC       | UCR
CPU0_Temp_Margin | na         | degrees C  | na         | na        | na        | -5.000    | 0.000    
In_Flow_Temp     | 31.000     | degrees C  | ok         | 0.000     | 10.000    | 75.000    | 80.000   
Out_Flow_Temp    | 28.000     | degrees C  | ok         | 0.000     | 10.000    | 87.000    | 92.000   
Memory_Hot       | na         | discrete   | na         | na        | na        | na        | na       
CPU_Hot          | na         | discrete   | na         | na        | na        | na        | na       
CPU_Cat_Error    | na         | discrete   | na         | na        | na        | na        | na       
CPU_Therm_Trip   | na         | discrete   | na         | na        | na        | na        | na       
CPU_VCC          | na         | Volts      | na         | 0.708     | 0.747     | 1.348     | 1.426    
CPU_1.05V        | na         | Volts      | na         | 0.892     | 0.941     | 1.154     | 1.203    
CPU_VTT          | na         | Volts      | na         | 0.931     | 0.989     | 1.213     | 1.261    
LM56_Temp        | na         | degrees C  | na         | 0.000     | 10.000    | 72.000    | 77.000   
CPU_1.5V         | na         | Volts      | na         | 1.271     | 1.348     | 1.649     | 1.727    
1G_1.0V          | na         | Volts      | na         | 0.854     | 0.902     | 1.096     | 1.154    
X540_0.8V        | na         | Volts      | na         | 0.689     | 0.728     | 0.873     | 0.912    
X540_0.67V       | na         | Volts      | na         | 0.572     | 0.611     | 0.728     | 0.766    
USB_5.0V         | na         | Volts      | na         | 4.253     | 4.495     | 5.492     | 5.759    
PCH_3.3V         | na         | Volts      | na         | 2.798     | 2.973     | 3.625     | 3.800    
SASS_1.0V        | na         | Volts      | na         | 0.854     | 0.902     | 1.096     | 1.145    
SASS_1.2V        | na         | Volts      | na         | 1.018     | 1.077     | 1.319     | 1.377    
IB_1.2V          | na         | Volts      | na         | 1.018     | 1.077     | 1.319     | 1.377


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