FAS2750 は停電のため停止しています
- FAS2750
- 両方のシャーシの PSU の LED が緑色に点灯
- 停電が発生したあと、一方のノードがオンラインに戻りません
system health alert show
PSU2 問題を指摘します
cluster::> system health alert show
Node: node_02
Resource: sn# 12345
Severity: Critical
Indication Time: Thu Dec 30 16:53:25 2021
Suppress: false
Acknowledge: false
Probable Cause: PSU2 FRU is off. The nodes in this chassis are
node_02, node_01.
Possible Effect: The system might switch off if the other redundant
power supply units (PSUs) become faulty.
Corrective Actions: 1. Check PSU2 FRU and switch it on.
2. Refer to the Hardware specification guide for more information on the position of the power supply unit (PSU) and ways to check or replace it.